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APWC on CSE 2018 : IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering 2018


When Dec 10, 2018 - Dec 12, 2018
Where Marriott Resort, Momi Bay, Fiji
Abstract Registration Due Nov 10, 2018
Submission Deadline Oct 15, 2018
Notification Due Oct 30, 2018
Final Version Due Nov 10, 2018
Categories    data science   biomedical engineering   cloud computing   information systems

Call For Papers

IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering 2018 (APWC on CSE 2018)
10-12th December, 2018; Marriott Resort, Momi Bay, Fiji


We are delighted to invite authors in the area of Computer Science and Engineering to submit their recent research paper at 5th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computing Science 2018 (APWC on CSE 2018) in Fiji on 10-12th December 2018. APWC on CSE 2018, the International Conference on Computing Science, aims to bring researchers, academics, scientists, industry people in a common platform yearly basis for presenting and discussing new innovative technologies in the area of Computer Science and Engineering. In particular, Big Data, Biomedical Engineering, Cloud Computing, Information Systems, Multimedia, Networking & Security, Robotics, Software Engineering and Applications in Business and Social Sciences. APWC on CSE 2018 is expected to give an overview of the state of the art as well as upcoming trends, and to promote discussion about the pedagogical potential of new technologies in Computer Science and Engineering to Asia-Pacific region.

Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub-topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:

Track 1: Data Science
Chair: Dr. Mahmood Rashid, The University of The South Pacific, Fiji
Track 2: Biomedical Engineering
Chair: Professor Alok Sharma, RIKEN, Japan
Track 3: Cloud Computing
Chair: Professor Eisuke Kita, Nagoya University, Japan
Track 4: Information Systems
Chair: Professor Shamim Khan, Columbus State University, USA
Track 5: Multimedia
Chair: Dr. Kevin I-Kai Wang, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
Track 6: Networking, Security, and Internet of Things
Chair: Dr. Rajesh Palit, North South University, Bangladesh
Track 7: Robotics
Chair: Dr. Nigel Yee, UniTec, New Zealand
Track 8: Software Engineering
Chair: Dr. Rohitash Chandra, Sydney University, Australia
Track 9: Applications in Business and Social Sciences
Chair: Dr. Keiji Takai, Kansai University, Japan

Paper submissions should be limited from 6 to 10 pages, and follow the IEEE format. More detailed information is available in the IEEE APWC on CSE 2018 Submission Guidelines.
Please submit your manuscript through the IEEE APWC on CSE 2018 submission site. All accepted papers will be submitted for publication into IEEE Digital Library as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. IEEE reserves the right not to publish any proceedings that do not meet these standards.

Paper Submission End: September 30, 2018
Author Notification: October 15, 2018
Camera-ready / Registration Deadline: October 30, 2018
Conference Date: 10-12th December, 2018

Honorary General Chair:
Professor Katsutoshi Yada, Kansai University, Japan
General Chair:
Professor Takashi Washio, Osaka University, Japan
General Co-Chairs:
Professor A B M Shawkat Ali, Fiji National University, Fiji
Professor Jin Li, Guangzhou University, China
Local Arrangement Chair:
Professor M G M Khan, The University of The South Pacific, Fiji
Publication and Publicity Chair:
Dr Shah Miah, Victoria University, Australia

Tel: +679 9992866

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