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iStar 2019 : 12th International i*Workshop


When Nov 4, 2019 - Nov 4, 2019
Where Salvador, Brazil
Abstract Registration Due Jun 23, 2019
Submission Deadline Jul 14, 2019
Notification Due Aug 4, 2019
Final Version Due Aug 18, 2019
Categories    agent-oriented modelling   requirements engineering   business process design   information systems

Call For Papers

The 12th International i* Workshop (iStar 2019)
co-located with the 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2019)
Salvador, Brazil
November 4th, 2019

** Submission deadline:** July 14th, 2019 -- EXTENDED!!!

Scope and Motivation
A growing number of groups around the world have been using the i* (iStar) modelling framework in their research on early requirements engineering, business process design, organization modelling, software development methodologies, and more. Following successful workshops in Trento (2002), London (2005), Recife (2008), Hammamet (2010), Trento (2011), Valencia (2013), Thessaloniki (2014), Ottawa (2015), Beijing (2016), Essen (2017), and Tallinn (2018), the next edition will take place in Salvador (2019). It is time for another meeting focusing not only on i* (iStar) but also GRL, Tropos, Techne, and other goal modeling frameworks, where researchers can exchange ideas, compare notes, and hopefully forge new collaborations with like-minded folk.

We cordially invite you and members of your group to join us at the 12th International i* Workshop. The 1-day workshop will be held in Salvador, Brasil, November 4th, 2019, as a co-located event with the 38th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2019).

The topics of interests include, but are not limited to:
* Adaptive requirements-driven systems
* Agent-oriented systems development
* Business intelligence and data analytics
* Business modeling
* Business process analysis and design, reengineering
* Business, service, and software ecosystems
* Enterprise, systems, and organizational architecture
* Evaluation, verification and validation
* Experience reports and case studies
* Evolution, adaptation, and system dynamics
* Formalizing or extending iStar 2.0
* i* modeling techniques and metamodels: i* modeling concepts, variations and extensions
* Knowledge management
* Law and regulatory compliance
* Mobile and cloud requirements engineering
* Model analysis and contextual reasoning
* Networking or integration with other modeling languages or techniques
* Novel applications of i*
* Ontological foundations
* Requirements engineering
* Scalability and uncertainty in modeling
* Security requirements engineering, privacy, and trust
* Socio-technical systems
* Software engineering processes and organizations
* Strategy modeling and business model innovation
* Tools, visualization, and interaction
* Variability and personalization
The objective of the workshop is to share knowledge, stimulate discussion and foster new lines of research and collaboration among different groups.

To support these goals, we will schedule as much time for discussion as for presentations - the actual time will depend on the final number of accepted papers. For every accepted paper, we will assign one discussant that will provide an initial position about the paper once presented, and then discussion will follow. If the schedule allows, we plan to include further occasions for discussion in the program, in addition to the customary wrap-up session.

The program will also include a keynote talk.

Paper Submissions
Contributions should be maximum 6 pages in single column LNCS format, describing current and ongoing research related to the i* framework, in English.

Submissions should provide an overview of the research objectives and describe contributions, including any related tools and evaluation experience. Contributions should outline ongoing and future work and provide key references. In particular, tool papers should include references to download information, documentation, and system features.

All submissions should be uploaded to ER 2019 EasyChair, please pay attention to select the correct track (

All submissions will be peer-reviewed and accepted works will be published in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings Series.

Important Dates
Title & Abstract Submission deadline:June 23rd, 2019 (optional)
Paper Submission deadline: July 14th, 2019 -- EXTENSION!!!
Authors’ notification: August 4th, 2019 -- POSTPONED!!
Camera Ready: August 18th, 2019 -- POSTPONED!!

Organizing Committee
Juan Pablo Carvallo, University of Azuay, Ecuador
Lidia López, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
João Pimentel, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Brazil

Steering Committee
Xavier Franch, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
John Mylopoulos, University of Trento, Italy
Eric Yu, University of Toronto, Canada

For further questions, please contact through

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