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RESER 2010 : 1st International Workshop on Replication in Empirical Software Engineering Research (co-located with ICSE 2010)


When May 4, 2010 - May 4, 2010
Where Cape Town, South Africa
Submission Deadline Mar 18, 2010
Notification Due Apr 8, 2010
Final Version Due Apr 15, 2010
Categories    software engineering

Call For Papers


Many fundamental results in Software Engineering suffer from threats to validity that can be addressed by replication studies. These threats include: 1) Lack of independent validation of empirical results; 2) Contextual shifts in Software Engineering practices or environments since the time of the original research studies; and 3) Limited data sets at the time of the original research studies.

However, certain factors discourage replication studies: 1) A perception persists that replication studies are less valuable than the presentation of original studies; 2) Data sets are often not made publicly available; 3) Reports of empirical studies are often not sufficiently detailed to foster replication; and 4) Research tools are either not available or not usable, so precise replication is impractical.


The primary goal of this workshop is to raise the perceived value of replication work by creating both recognition for, and awareness of, replication studies. The workshop aims to encourage revisiting results, especially those that have long been accepted but which in fact have only weak empirical support. In addition, the workshop seeks to identify and suggest solutions for recurring practical problems in selecting, designing, and performing replication studies. The workshop also seeks to advance the state of research reporting techniques and tool development and deployment, with a focus on making experiments repeatable and tools more reusable.


We invite both full and short papers in the following areas:

• Philosophical position papers
• Research methodologies for replication
• Insights from other research fields

• Replication techniques
• Tools for replication
• Reliable and accessible data stores
• Methods of reporting results to facilitate future replication
• Insights from other research fields

• Replicated studies – positive results, negative results
• Replication of classic Software Engineering tenets
• Surveys of replication studies in selected topic areas
• Insights from other research fields


Paper submissions must be original work that has not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers must be in English and must follow the ACM SIG Proceedings Format. Full papers should be 6-10 pages; short papers should be 4-5 pages. Instructions for submission are posted on the workshop website (


To encourage the free sharing of ideas and preliminary results, and to allow for future conference and journal publication of accepted papers, papers will be distributed to workshop attendees, but will not be published in the ICSE companion proceedings.


Natalia Juristo - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Charles Knutson - Brigham Young University, USA
Jonathan Krein - Brigham Young University, USA
Lutz Prechelt - Freie Universität Berlin, Germany


Lionel Briand - Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Audris Mockus - Avaya Labs Research, USA
Dieter Rombach - University of Kaiserslautern & Fraunhofer IESE, Germany


Christian Bird - University of California Davis, USA
Andrew Brooks - University of Akureyri, Iceland
Jeffrey Carver - University of Alabama, USA
Marcus Ciolkowski - Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
Kevin Crowston - Syracuse University, USA
Daniel Delorey - Google, Inc., USA
Harald Gall - University of Zurich, Switzerland
Daniel German - University of Victoria, Canada
Jesus Gonzalez-Barahona - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Alicia Grubb - University of Toronto, Canada
Andreas Jedlitschka - Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
James Miller - University of Alberta, Canada
Dietmar Pfahl - Simula Research Laboratory & University of Oslo, Norway
Marc Roper - University of Strathclyde, UK
Carolyn Seaman - Fraunhofer CESE & University of Maryland, USA
Janice Singer - National Research Council, Canada
Megan Squire - Elon University, USA
Sira Vegas - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Claes Wohlin - Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Murray Wood - University of Strathclyde, UK

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