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LA@IV 2020 : 3nd International Symposium Learning Analytics


When Sep 7, 2020 - Sep 11, 2020
Where Cyberspace
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2020
Notification Due Jul 30, 2020
Final Version Due Aug 7, 2020
Categories    technology enhanced learning   education   computer science   machine learning

Call For Papers

3rd International Symposium Learning Analytics

in the
24th International Conference Information Visualisation, Sept. 7-11, 2020, Cyberspace

Important Dates
- SUBMISSION deadline: July 15th, 2020
- NOTIFICATION: July 30th, 2020
- CAMERA READY: August 7th, 2020


Learning Analytics refers to the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data on the progress of learners and the micro and macro contexts of learning environment. It uses the data collected from the digital footprint of the learner and applies bigdata concepts to understand the influencing factors that affects learners whether it is educational policy and strategy, or it relates to the micro level module contents and its delivery. This has potential to support designing data and fact-based policy both for campus based and online delivery.

Through Learning Analytics, it is possible to provide tailor-made learning and teaching for a specific group. It can lead to reduce disparity of standard within different systems and optimise the resources required to achieve required standards. Learning Analytics can support the prediction of outcome and guide early intervention to boosting retention rates. It will make significant contribution for quality assurance.

When combined with refined visualization tools and suitable interfaces in an e-learning system, the use of Learning Analytics fosters a student-centred approach, supports self-regulated learning, and eventually helps learners (and teachers) along the road to educational success. This research area is witnessing swift developments since several years, and this Symposium aims to gather contributions to allow for exchange and further advancements. Technology Enhanced Learning advocates are invited to submit their original research work involving the use of Learning Analytics in education.The topics of interests include but are not limited to:

Learning & Teaching tracking
- Temporal Analysis of Learning Data
- Tool for quality assurance and quality improvement
- Tool for boosting retention rate
- Tool for adaptive learning
- Tool to improve quality of teaching

Technical infrastructure
- E-Learning
- M-Learning
- Game Based Learning
- Personalized and Adaptive Learning
- Learning analytics warehouse
- Learning analytics processor
- Alert and intervention system
- Dashboards, and a student app
- Machine & Deep-learning Analytics

Issues in Data Based Educational Theories and models
- Educational Data Model
- Data-based methodology for research in education
- Ethics and privacy in learning analytic

Please check the submission procedures @ the submission page:

Symposium Organizers

- Marco Temperini
Sapienza University, Rome, IT
marte (@)

- Tania Di Mascio
University of L’Aquila, IT
tania.dimascio (@)

- Filippo Sciarrone
Sapienza University, Rome, IT
sciarro (@)

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