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GCA 2016 : The First International Workshop on GPU Computing and Applications


When Nov 22, 2016 - Nov 25, 2016
Where Hiroshima, Japan
Abstract Registration Due Aug 1, 2016
Submission Deadline Aug 6, 2016
Notification Due Sep 10, 2016
Final Version Due Sep 23, 2016
Categories    gpu   GPGPU   parallel processing   application

Call For Papers


The First International Workshop on GPU Computing and Applications (GCA)

to be held in conjunction with

The Fourth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR'16), Hiroshima, Japan, November 22-25, 2016


Built for massive parallelism, General Purpose computing on Graphic Processing Unit (GPGPU) has superseded
high-performance CPU in a number of important tasks, including computer graphics, physics calculations,
encryption/decryption and scientific computations.

The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum to discuss and evaluate emerging techniques,
platforms and applications capable of harvesting the power of current GPGPUs.

The GCA workshop seeks for high-quality papers on a number of topics, including but not limited to:
* GPU applications
* Computer graphics on GPUs
* GPU compilation
* GPU programming environments
* GPU power efficiency
* GPU architectures
* GPU theoretical computing models
* GPU benchmarking/measurements
* GPU embedded systems
* Multi-GPU systems
* GPU cluster
* Heterogeneous GPU platforms
* CPU-GPU cooperation

[Paper format]
* Regular paper: 5-7 pages
* Poster paper: 3-4 pages

The conference and workshop proceedings will be published by Conference Publishing Service and submitted to IEEE Xplore and CSDL digital libraries.
Also they are submitted for indexing through INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISI, and other indexing services.

[Special Issue]
A Special Issue on selected papers from CANDAR'16 main conference and workshops is planned. Please see Special Issue for the details.

[Important dates]
* Abstract submission: August 1, 2016
* Paper submission: August 6, 2016
* Notification of paper acceptance: September 1, 2016
* Submission of camera-ready papers: September 23, 2016

* Workshop co-chairs
Jacir L. Bordim (University of Brasilia)
Yasuaki Ito (Hiroshima University)

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