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NSAIS 2016 : North-European Society for Adaptive and Intelligent Systems Workshop


When Aug 16, 2016 - Aug 16, 2016
Where Lappeenranta
Submission Deadline May 15, 2016
Notification Due Jun 15, 2016
Final Version Due Jul 15, 2016
Categories    artificial intelligence   soft computing   decision making   operational research

Call For Papers

The NSAIS16 workshop is organized to act as a platform for the research
community interested in Adaptive and Intelligent systems – the theme
this year is Operational Research, applications of Fuzzy logic, and TRIZ.
The NSAIS16 workshop takes place at Lappeenranta University of
Technology, situated in South‐Eastern Finland and located on the lake
Saimaa. The working language of the workshop is English.
Workshop Theme:
“OR+Fuzzy+TRIZ” encompasses these three areas of interest. Both,
theoretical and application‐oriented papers are welcome within the scope
of the workshop theme. The workshop is doctoral student friendly in that
also work‐in‐progress papers can be presented.
Important Dates:
15‐Jan‐2016 ‐ Submission system open
15‐May‐2016 ‐ Short and full paper submission deadline
15‐Jun‐2016 ‐ Notification of decisions
30‐Jun‐2016 ‐ Registration deadline
15‐Jul‐2016 ‐ Camera‐ready short and full paper deadline
16‐Aug‐2016 ‐ Workshop starts
Paper Submission:
Researchers wishing to contribute to the workshop are invited to submit
either SHORT PAPERs (max. 4 pages) or FULL PAPERs (max. 12 pages).
Authors are strongly encouraged to carefully prepare their manuscripts
according to the IEEE style using the template available at the workshop
web‐site. Only camera ready papers with the correct formatting can be
published in the proceedings. The workshop does not provide any editing
service. All papers must be submitted through the online submission
system in PDF or MS Word format. The submission system will open on
All submissions will be anonymously reviewed by at least two referees,
and successful papers by registered participants will be included in the
Conference Proceedings. Deadline for paper submission is 15‐May‐2016.

A special issue consisting of selected papers from NSAIS´16 will be published in the journal “Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing“, which is an ISI indexed journal with an impact factor.

Local organizing committee:
Mikael Collan, LUT, Finland (Chair)
Pasi Luukka, LUT, Finland (Co‐chair)
Mariia Kozlova, LUT, Finland
International Scientific Programme Committee:
Pasi Luukka, LUT, Finland (Chair)
Mikael Collan, LUT, Finland, (Co‐chair)
Mario Fedrizzi, U. Trento, Italy
Yuri Lawryshyn, U. Toronto, Canada
Christer Carlsson, Åbo Akademi, Finland
Jozsef Mezei, Åbo Akademi, Finland
Markku Heikkilä, Åbo Akademi, Finland
Leonid Chechurin, LUT, Finland
Olli Bräysy, U. Jyväskylä, Finland
Mariia Kozlova, LUT, Finland
Jan Stoklasa, LUT & Palacky, U., Finland & Czech Republic
Farhad Hassanzadeh, XPO Logistics, USA
Julian Yeomans, U. York, Canada
Matt Davison, U. Western Ontario, Canada
Jose Merigo Lindahl, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Matteo Brunelli, Aalto U., Finland
Jorma K. Mattila, LUT, Finland
Irina Georgescu, CSIE, Romania
Roberto Montemanni, IDSIA, Switzerland
Onesfole Kurama, LUT, Finland
Andri Riid, Tallinn UT., Estonia
Jyrki Savolainen, LUT, Finland
Azzurra Morreale, LUT, Finland
Iulian Nastac, Polytechnic U. Bucharest, Romania
Michele Fedrizzi, U. Trento, Italy
Jana Krejčí, U. Trento, Italy

The registration fee is 200€ and includes the lunches and the workshop
evening program.
Detailed information about the workshop and contact information:
Workshop web site:
Submission system:

Will open Jan. 15th, 2016

Pasi Luukka (Chair)
Mikael Collan (Co‐chair)

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