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ICEG 2010 : 6th International Conference on e-Government - ICEG 2010


When Sep 30, 2010 - Oct 1, 2010
Where Cape Town, South Africa
Abstract Registration Due Aug 26, 2010
Submission Deadline Mar 11, 2010
Notification Due Mar 18, 2010
Final Version Due Apr 29, 2010

Call For Papers

CALL FOR PAPERS, Action Research, Case Studies, Work in Progress/Posters, PhD Research, Round Table Proposals, non-academic Contributions and Product Demonstrations

The International Conference on e-Government (ICEG 2010) is an opportunity for academics to share the latest thinking on e-Government research. e-Government developmental trends, adoption, architecture, transformation, barriers, success factors and management are factors that have lead to an escalation of the level of research activity on the topic. This is not least because the rise in e-Government provision brings with it a greater interest in the study of e-Government, from both a practical and a theoretical point of view. As controversy rages around issues such as e-Voting and identity cards, so academics, practitioners and service providers pick up the gauntlet of supporting or attacking these issues. Much time and money is being spent in considering the best way forward and in examining what has been done well and what lessons can be learnt when things go wrong. This conference aims to bring evidence of the research being undertaken across the globe to the attention of co-workers and the wider community for the purposes of helping practitioners find ways to put research into practice, and for researchers to gain an understanding of additional real-world problems.

The conference committee welcomes both academic and practitioner papers on a wide range of topics and a wide range of scholarly approaches including theoretical and empirical papers employing qualitative, quantitative and critical methods. Action research, case studies and research-in-progress are welcomed approaches. Poster submissions, proposals for roundtable discussions, practitioner contributions and product demonstrations based on the main themes are also invited.

Submission details are given below. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:

Applications of e-Government including New ideas for improving Public Service access, convenience, delivery, effectiveness, efficiency, innovation, trust; Health; education; homeland security; Electronic payments; e-Tax administration; Public record archives; Electronic waste; National implementation of e-Government.

e-Voting: How can e-Voting be made to work; Risks and advantages from e-Voting; Touch screen voting; Local e-Participation.

Measuring e-Government performance: Evaluating e-government, business process management, organisational and change management economics of e-Government; benchmarking indicators; benefits of e-Government and how can these be measured; e-Government implementation – striking the costs-benefits balance; agile metrics; e-Government parameters; website evaluation and ranking.

Transformed processes: Innovative Organisational Change; Citizen to Government relationships; citizen–centric services; Interoperable frameworks (National, Transnational); Private-public partnerships; Organisational culture; Skills development and leadership models.

Community engagement and economic development: Community networks and civic participation; Entrepreneurship and/or business applications; e-Cities; Regional competitiveness; Transnational civil society; Socio-economic impacts. Citizen relationship management, social capital, the digital divide and skills development; Online social networking ; Political activism

Management of e-Government: Financing e-Government; e-Government strategies; e-Governance; Information management.

If you would be interested in preparing and chairing a mini track, please contact the Conference Director, Sue Nugus outlining your suggested topic.

Paper submissions
Papers should address the conference topics listed above and can describe a wide range of research including empirical or theoretical studies. In addition, philosophical papers presenting an argument and papers presenting a process that has been developed and is now ready for wider use are welcome. In all cases concepts and underlying principles should be emphasised, with enough background information to orient any reader who is not a specialist in the particular subject area original. The work should not have been published elsewhere and should not be intended to be published elsewhere during the review period. For further information see the submission details given below.

Research in Progress
Researchers may submit current projects whilst they are still in progress. To be eligible, it is necessary for a paper to be produced to a publishable academic standard and papers will be subject to the same criteria and processes as research papers. However the final results of the research may not have been fully completed and interpreted.

Case Study Submissions
Case study submissions should be written to publishable standards. Case studies will be subject to the same criteria and the processes as research papers.

Poster Submissions
Posters provide an opportunity for researchers to present their work in an informal setting in which there is more time for discussion and questions than is sometimes available in a full paper session. This track is an ideal forum for the presentation of work in progress. Poster submissions are welcomed in any of the areas identified in the call for papers.
Poster submission requirements

An abstract describing the work being presented on the poster should be submitted in accordance with the submission details below. Be sure to select Poster as the submission type.
Poster abstracts will be blind reviewed by a member of the programme committee. Reviewers will be asked to consider the appropriateness of the work for poster presentation.
On acceptance instructions on poster dimensions etc will be supplied.
Poster abstracts and images of the final poster will be published in the CD version of the Conference Proceedings.
At least one person must register for the conference to present the poster.

Posters will be displayed close to the refreshment area so that all who attend will have an opportunity to see them. There will be a timetabled period when Poster Owners should staff their poster so that participants can come and discuss the research.

Round Table Proposals
The Programme Committee invites topical subjects to be proposed for discussion.
Submission requirements

An abstract proposing a topic and stating why it is felt this would be an interesting contribution to the conference should be submitted in accordance with the submission details below. Be sure to select Round Table Proposal as the submission type.
Proposals will be considered by the programme committee.
If a proposal is selected the convenor will be asked to nominate knowledge informants in the field who will be prepared to participate. Round Table Discussions can be either 30 minutes or 1 hour in duration. The convenor must register for the conference.
Other participants can attend the Round Table without conference registration, but if they wish to attend any other part of the conference registration will be required.

Practitioner Contributions
The conference committee welcomes contributions from individuals and organisations working in the field. These contributions can take the form of a presentation or a demonstration.
Presentation submission requirements

An abstract describing the work to be presented should be submitted in accordance with the submission details below. Be sure to select Practitioner Contribution as the submission type.
Practitioner abstracts will be reviewed by the programme committee. Reviewers will be asked to consider the appropriateness of the work for presentation at the conference.
Authors of selected presentations will have their abstract included in the booklet of abstracts given to participants at the conference.
At least one person must register for the conference to give the presentation.
Product Demonstrations submission requirements

§ Submit a proposal of 200-300 words describing a research facilitation product you would like to demonstrate and the audience it serves. Proposals should be sent as an email attachment to Sue Nugus not later than 14 May 2009. Demonstrations themselves are expected to be approximately 15 minutes in length.

Submission details

All submission types require an abstract in the first instance. Abstracts should be a minimum of 300 and no more than 500 words including up to five keywords and keyphrases to be received by 11 March 2010. Please read the online guidelines.

Submissions should be made via the online form. Please ensure that all required fields are completed. Abstracts must include the proposed title for the paper, the full names (first name and surname, not initials); postal addresses and email addresses of all authors and a telephone number for at least one contact author. Please indicate clearly if the contact author is not the lead author and select the appropriate submission track.

Full paper:
Only required for academic submissions to main conference streams once the abstract has been selected and not to be more than 5,000 words including abstract, keywords and references (the Harvard referencing rules need to be followed). Submission date will be no later than 29 April 2010. Papers should be submitted as .doc or .rtf file attachments by email to the Conference Manager, Elaine Hayne with the paper submission checklist and copyright form.

Publication Opportunity

Papers accepted for the conference will be published in the conference proceedings, subject to author registration.

Conference and Journal Accreditations

The ICEG conference proceedings are:

· listed in the Thomson Reuters ISI Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings (ISTP/ISI Proceedings)

· listed in the Thomson Reuters ISI Index t o Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP)

· listed in the Thomson Reuters ISI Index to Social Sciences & Humanities Proceedings (ISSHP/ISI Proceedings).

· indexed by the Institution of Engineering and Technology in the UK.

The Electronic Journal of E-Government (EJEG) is:

· rated level 1 in the Danish Government bibliometric lists.

· ranked by the Australian Business Deans Council list

· listed in the Norwegian Social Science Data Services

· listed in the Open Access Journals database

· listed in the EBSCO database of electronic Journals

· listed in the Cabell Directory of Publishing Opportunities

· listed in Ulrich’s Periodical Directory

Selected papers from the Conference will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Electronic Journal of e-Government The latest issue, is now available online.

Purchase previous conference proceedings Proceedings for previous ICEG conferences can be purchased from our bookshop by clicking on the link.

Important information:

The selection panel of the conference committee will consider all abstracts received by the submission deadline to ensure that the proposed paper is relevant to the Conference.
The authors of abstracts that describe a relevant paper will receive a notification of abstract selection.
All full papers received by the submission deadline will be double-blind reviewed by members of the conference committee to ensure an adequate standard, that the proposed subject of the originally submitted abstract has been followed, that the paper is of a suitable length, that the standard of English is adequate and that the paper is appropriately referenced using the Harvard referencing rules.
For authors whose first language is not English we request that you have your work proof read prior to submission by a native English speaker (or at least a fluent English speaker). Papers can be rejected due to a poor standard of English.
Papers that are accepted will be published in the conference proceedings providing at least one author registers and presents the work at the Conference (see the registration section of the conference website for more information about registration).
Due to the large number of papers expected for this conference, the committee only allows an author to present one paper. Therefore, if multiple papers are accepted for presentation, different co-authors need to present each paper.

Important dates:

Abstract submission deadline:
11 March 2010

Notification of abstract acceptance:
18 March 2010

Full paper for review due:
29 April 2010

Notification of paper acceptance (with possible changes):
8 July 2010

Earlybird registration closes
22 July 2010

Final paper submission (with any changes):
5 August 2010

Final date for author registration:
26 August 2010

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