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@tic-CFP16 2016 : @tic Call for Papers: Monograph n. 16: Autumn 2016 | |||||||||||
Link: https://attic.blogs.uv.es/2016/02/24/abierto-el-plazo-para-la-recepcion-de-articulos/ | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
Call for papers for the Monograph n. 16: Autumn 2016
(Deadline: October, 4th 2016) Subject: Initial Qualification and Permanent Training of University Teachers: Research and Experiences in Educational Innovation, Teaching and Management Coordinators: Inmaculada Chiva Sanchis, Mª Jesús Perales Montolío, Purificación Sánchez Delgado University of Valencia ichiva@uv.es, perales@uv.es, pursanch@uv.es @tic. revista d’innovació educativa invites you to send your research for a special monograph titled: Initial Qualification and Permanent Training of University Teachers: Research and Experiences in Educational Innovation, Teaching and Management, if you work deals about at least one of those three axis: 1. Teaching and learning processes 2. Research about education 3. Management in higher education Submission instructions Please submit the paper through @tic. revista d’innovació educativa’s webpage: http://www.uv.es/attic. Sign in for a user and password and follow the instructions given there. The manuscript must be in Microsoft Word (.doc), RTF or Open Office (.odt) format. Manuscripts can be written in English, Spanish or Catalan. The specifications are: font 11, Arial, spacing above paragraph 6, below paragraph 0, single line spacing, without indenting; footnotes and bibliography font 9, Arial. The cover page should contain the paper title, and the name, affiliation, postal address, and email address of each author. The second page should start with the paper title at the top and be immediately followed by the abstract. Except on the cover page, the author's names and affiliations must not appear in the manuscript. The abstract of 100-150 words should clearly summarize the objectives and content of the manuscript. Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages (excluding references and appendices). All submissions will be peer reviewed using a double-blind review process. Guidelines: http://ojs.uv.es/index.php/attic/about/submissions#authorGuidelines Important dates: Deadline for Papers: October 4th, 2016 For more information about this monograph as well as additional formatting instructions, please see the web site: http://www.uv.es/attic or contact attic@uv.es |