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ENSEC 2016 : The 2016 ENtity Summarization Evaluation Campaign (ENSEC 2016)


When May 30, 2016 - May 30, 2016
Where ESWC 2016 - Greece
Submission Deadline Apr 8, 2016
Categories    challenge   ESWC 2016   entity summaries

Call For Papers

Call for Participation
The 2016 ENtity Summarization Evaluation Campaign (ENSEC 2016)
co-located with the SumPre 2016 workshop
More details at

The volume of entity-centric data is rapidly increasing on the Web, including RDF and Linked Data,, Facebook’s Open Graph, and Google’s Knowledge Graph, describing entities (e.g., directors and films) and relations between them (e.g., directs). The description of an entity, consisting of a set of entity-property-value triples, is sometimes too long to be entirely presented to a user. As a substitute, a compact summary can be shown to help the user efficiently while effectively perform a task (e.g., browsing, searching).

Specifically, an entity summary is a subset of entity-property-value triples selected from the description of an entity. Entity summarization is the task of automatically generating a high-quality entity summary, to be used for a specific task or for general purposes. Whereas several preliminary solutions have been proposed [1][2][3], the problem is still far from being solved. Therefore, this ENtity Summarization Evaluation Campaign (ENSEC) is organized to assess strengths and weaknesses of entity summarization systems, compare performance of techniques, and enhance communication among researchers and developers.

ENSEC-2016, co-located with the SumPre 2016 workshop, consists of two tracks: the DBpedia-50 track and the LinkedMDB-30 track. A system can participate either or both tracks, by submitting summaries it generates for a set of specified entities. The results will be evaluated against gold-standard entity summaries given by human experts.

Winners and runner-ups will share Amazon vouchers in a total value of 350 Euros, sponsored by the SumOn project.

For details about the campaign, please see

* Release of test entities: March 8, 2016
* Submission of entity summaries: April 8, 2016 (Hawaii Time)
* Submission of system papers: April 15, 2016 (Hawaii Time)
* Release of evaluation results: May 15, 2016
* Workshop: May 30, 2016

* Gong Cheng, Nanjing University, China
* Kalpa Gunaratna, (Kno.e.sis) Wright State University, USA
* Andreas Thalhammer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany



[1] Gong Cheng, Thanh Tran, Yuzhong Qu. RELIN: Relatedness and Informativeness-based Centrality for Entity Summarization. In Proceedings of the 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC'11), Part I, pages 114--129, 2011.

[2] Andreas Thalhammer, Ioan Toma, Antonio J. Roa-Valverde, Dieter Fensel. Leveraging Usage Data for Linked Data Movie Entity Summarization. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Usage Analysis and the Web of Data (USEWOD’12), 2012.

[3] Kalpa Gunaratna, Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan, Amit Sheth. FACES: Diversity-Aware Entity Summarization Using Incremental Hierarchical Conceptual Clustering. In Proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI’15), pages 116--122, 2015.

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