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AI^3 2018 : AAMAS-IJCAI workshop on Agents & Incentives in AI (AI^3 2018) | |||||||||||||
Link: https://sites.google.com/site/ai3workshop/ | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
Please Note: We have modified the deadlines to accommodate those wishing to submit early and receive notification before the IJCAI Early Registration Deadline. ************************************************************ MISSION ************************************************************ Over the past two decades, there has been an increasing focus on the issue of agent incentives in decentralized and centralized AI systems. These issues come up when designing preference aggregation mechanisms and markets; computing equilibria, and bidding strategies; facilitating cooperation among agents, and fairly dividing resources. Building on the Federated AI Meeting (FAIM) happening this year in Stockholm, multiple workshops (AGT@IJCAI, AMEC, CoopMAS, EXPLORE) have joined hands to be the main venue to show off novel work being done in these areas. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated on the basis of the quality of their contribution, originality, significance, and the potential to generate fruitful discussions. Industrial applications and position papers presenting novel ideas, issues, challenges, and directions are also welcome. ************************************************************ PAPER SUBMISSION ************************************************************ We invite submissions in all areas related to this interplay of incentives, agents, and AI, and in particular on the following topics: * Algorithmic mechanism design * Auctions * Behavioral Game Theory * Bounded rationality * Cooperation and collaboration * Computational advertising * Computational aspects of equilibria * Computational social choice * Coalitions, coordination, collective action, and cooperation * Economic aspects of security and privacy * Economic aspects of distributed and network computing * Equilibrium computation * Empirical approaches to electronic markets * Fair Division * Incentives in machine learning * Information and attention economics * Learning in games (e.g., solution concepts and equilibria) * Matching Markets * Mechanism design * Price differentiation and price dynamics * Social networks * Strategic behavior * Trading agent design and analysis * Uncertainty in AI and economics Proceedings Publication: To widen participation and encourage discussion, there will be no formal publication of workshop proceedings. We will, however, post the accepted papers online to the benefit of the participants to the workshop. Therefore, submission of preliminary work and papers to be submitted or in preparation for submission to other major venues in the field are encouraged. In addition, papers published/presented after IJCAI 2017 or later (which are not presented orally at any FAIM conference -- we will have lightening talks for these papers) can be submitted. We specifically encourage papers accepted to FAIM as posters to be submitted for oral presentation consideration. Please contact either one of the program chairs in case of any questions: Sofia Ceppi (sofia@prowler.io) Omer Lev (omerlev@bgu.ac.il) ************************************************************ IMPORTANT DATES ************************************************************ * Early Submission Deadline: 5 May, 2018 Since the notifications will be after the IJCAI early registration deadline (May 31st), we will give the option to authors who want an early notification to submit by May 5th and state explicitly that you ask for early notification. * Submission Deadline: 14 May, 2018 * Acceptance Notification: 10 June, 2018 * Joint IJCAI/ECAI/AAMAS/ICML Workshops: 13-15 July, 2018 ********************************************************************** ORGANIZATION ********************************************************************** ** Program Chairs ** Sofia Ceppi Omer Lev ** Steering Committee ** Reshef Meir (AGT@IJCAI) Chen Hajaj and Valentin Robu (AMEC/TADA) Yair Zick (CoopMAS) Nicholas Mattei, Haris Aziz, John P. Dickerson, (EXPLORE) ********************************************************************** SUBMISSION DETAILS ********************************************************************** Submission Site: Authors should submit full papers electronically in PDF format at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ai30 Formatting Guidelines: Please format papers according to the Springer LNCS Style (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0). Templates for Word and Latex are available. Paper Length: Papers can be at most 12 pages long plus 2 additional pages for reference. Supplemental material can be appended at the end of the paper. However, reviewers are instructed to make their evaluations based on the main submission, and are not obligated to consult the supplemental material. |