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HMEM 2023 : 4th Workshop on Heterogeneous Memory Systems


When Nov 17, 2023 - Nov 17, 2023
Where Denver, CO, USA
Submission Deadline Aug 26, 2023
Notification Due Sep 15, 2023
Final Version Due Oct 27, 2023
Categories    heterogeneous memory systems   supercomputing   high-performance computing   HPC

Call For Papers

In conjunction with SC’23, Denver, CO, USA, November 17th, 2023

Overview and scope
The 4th HMEM workshop serves as a forum to present and discuss ongoing research around heterogeneous memory systems. The scope of the workshop encompasses all the layers of system and software stack, from computer architectures, operating system, middleware, programming models, runtime systems, tools, to applications.

Heterogeneous memory infrastructure design has become a dominating trend in today’s HPC scene. Different memory technologies are emerging such as: NVM, HBM, Persistent memories, and CXL, that can help mitigate the memory bottleneck by offering opportunities for benefiting applications that process large amounts of data. Such opportunities can be realized across all the layers of system and software stack: from computer architectures, operating system, middleware, programming models, runtime systems, tools, up to applications.

As in previous years, the Workshop on Heterogeneous Memory Systems (HMEM) will bring together different research efforts and expertise to the end of integrating different approaches and democratizing the use of heterogeneous memory systems to benefit applications not only in terms of performance, but also energy efficiency, and cost-tradeoffs. The main goal of the workshop is to push the research frontiers forward by exchanging knowledge and debating ideas through keynote speeches, technical paper presentations, and interactive discussions. Overall, topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Data allocation and placement techniques in heterogeneous memories
- Caching for heterogeneous memories
- Programming Model and Tools for complex/heterogeneous memory hierarchies
- Software-defined far memories
- Disaggregated memory and in-memory computing
- Data movement in heterogeneous memory systems
- Memory consistency and persistency models
- Data structures for heterogeneous memory infrastructures
- Abstractions and support for failure-atomicity in persistent memory
- Use cases, early experiences and performance evaluations

This is a traditional-style workshop without formal proceedings. The authors of accepted submissions will give a talk at the workshop and participate in the closing discussion panel. Additionally, authors will be invited to (optionally) upload their submitted paper (PDF) to be shared on the workshop website. A paper accepted to the HMEM workshop does not preclude its future publication at a major conference.

Submissions must use the ACM proceedings template (for Latex users, version 1.90 (last update April 4, 2023) is the latest template, and please use the “sigconf” option).

We accept two types of submissions.

A first type of submission includes position papers as well as papers that describe completed or early-stage work. Such submissions are limited to 12 pages including references and figures.

Extra pages can be included in a clearly marked appendix (to be read at the discretion of the reviewers). Submitted papers must not include author names (double-blind review).

We also welcome 2-page abstracts that summarize recently accepted/published at top-tier conferences/journals. In this case, the author names and references to the published works should be included in the abstract.

Submission link:

Important dates
Submission deadline: August 11th, 2023
Notification of acceptance: September 15th, 2023
Presentation Preparation open: September 18th, 2023
Presentation Preparation deadline: October 27th, 2023
Workshop: November 17th, 2023
AOE (Anywhere One Earth)

Organization committee
Harald Servat, Intel
João Barreto, INESC-ID, Universidade de Lisboa
Antonio J. Peña, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)

Program commitee
Adrian Jackson, EPCC, UK
Alexandro Baldassin, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brasil
Andy Rudolf, Intel, USA
Gokcen Kestor, PNNL, USA
Gulay Yalcin, Abduallah Gul University, Turkey
Ivy Peng, LLNL, USA
Maciej Maciejewski, Huawei, Poland
Marc Jordá, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Michael Hennecke, Intel, Germany
Petar Radojkovic, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Thaleia Doudali, IMDEA, Spain
Tim Dykes, HPE, UK
Ying Huang, Intel, China

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