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NETWORKS 2010 : 14th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium


When Sep 27, 2010 - Sep 30, 2010
Where Warsaw, Poland
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2010
Notification Due May 15, 2010
Final Version Due Jun 15, 2010
Categories    telecommunications   networking   communications

Call For Papers

The authors are encouraged to submit full papers describing original, previously unpublished research results, not currently under review by another conference or journal, addressing state-of-the-art research and development. All papers will be reviewed.

The topics cover, but are not necessarily limited to the following:

Network Design and Planning Methods

* network design methods for multimedia services
* network topology design and optimization at different layers: physical optical, media and control
* Quality of Service, Quality of Resilience, performance and SLA
* VPN design
* ad-hoc networking
* sensor networks and autonomic networks
* end-to-end service performance evaluation
* network security
* network resilience: survivability, protection, restoration and availability
* cost modeling and pricing

Migration to NGN and Mobile Broadband

* NGN and IMS architectures and solutions
* migration steps to NGN based on economical evaluation and security
* new services driving the evolution to NGN
* migrating to multimedia/multiservice environment
* VoIP solutions
* migration alternatives from 2G to 3G/4G
* IPTV solutions
* interoperation across multiple domains
* regulation and interconnection issues in NGN

Routing, Traffic Flows and Optimization

* multiservice traffic measurement, analysis, characterization and simulation at network level
* multiservice flow matrix and aggregation methods
* new signaling and control in multimedia/multisystems
* P2P (peer-to-peer) traffic flows and implications on network demand
* impact of GRID services
* impact of mass market video services
* intra-domain and inter-domain routing, traffic engineering, resilience
* optimization process with technical and economic criteria
* using game theory, meta-heuristics and LP/ILP

Convergence of Different Domains

* business strategy for convergence in competition
* economies of scale at network, services, access, terminals and operation domains
* triple play and multiple play; architectures and solutions
* fixed-mobile-nomadic convergence
* broadband mobile-broadcast/multicast convergence
* IMS architecture and applications
* addressing and numbering issues
* home networking for triple play usage
* impact of bundle offers and tariffs on customer attraction and business

Role of New Technologies, Developments and Standards

* optical switching
* new generation SDH, OTN
* new generation Internet and IPv6
* carrier grade/class Ethernet: 100GEth, VPLS, PBB
* mobile 3.5 and 4G, LTE (long term evolution)
* WiMax
* xDSL and FTTx, power line communication (PLC)
* broadcast/multicast systems; DVB-T/H and the new DVB-SH

Network Planning Support Processes and Tools

* multilayer planning process
* business planning methods and tools
* optical network design tools
* access planning methods and tools
* NGN planning methods and tools
* 3G planning methods and tools
* OSS and BSS processes and tools
* network management support tools

Exhibition, Tools Demonstration

Related Resources

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