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GCM 2019 : 10th International Workshop on Graph Computation Models | |||||||||||||||||
Link: http://gcm2019.imag.fr/ | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
----------------------------------------------------------------------- First CALL FOR PAPERS GCM 2019 Tenth International Workshop on Graph Computation Models Eindhoven, The Netherlands, July 17th, 2019 http://gcm2019.imag.fr/ Part of STAF 2019 https://staf2019.win.tue.nl/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Aims The aim of the International Workshop GCM 2019 is to bring together researchers interested in all aspects of computation models based on graphs and graph transformation. It promotes the cross-fertilizing exchange of ideas and experiences among senior and young researchers from different communities interested in the foundations, applications, and implementations of graph computation models and related areas. Previous editions of GCM series were held in Natal, Brazil (GCM 2006), in Leicester, UK (GCM 2008), in Enschede, The Netherlands (GCM 2010), in Bremen, Germany (GCM 2012), in York, UK (GCM 2014), in L'Aquila, Italy (GCM 2015), in Wien, Austria (GCM 2016), in Marburg, Germany (GCM 2017) and in Toulouse, France (GCM 2018). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Topics of Interest GCM 2019 solicits papers on all aspects of graph computation models. This includes but is not limited to the following topics: Foundations: Models of graph transformation; Analysis and verification of graph transformation systems; Parallel, concurrent, and distributed graph transformation; Term graph rewriting; Formal graph languages; Applications: Graph-based programming models and visual programming; Model-driven engineering; Evolutionary computation; Software architectures, validation and evolution; Databases; Graph-based security models; Workflow and business processes; Social network analysis; Bioinformatics and computational chemistry; Quantum computing; Case-studies ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates Abstract Submission : 2 May 2019 Paper Submission : 7 May 2019 Notification : 25 May 2019 Final version due: 5 June 2019 Workshop : 17 July 2019 Should you have any problem to meet the deadlines, please send an email to the organizers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Submissions and Publication Authors are invited to submit papers in three possible categories: (1) Regular papers of at most 16 pages describing innovative contributions. (2) Position papers, system descriptions or work in progress of 6 to 12 pages. (3) Abstracts limited to 2 pages, introducing recently published papers in a peer-reviewed venue different from ICGT conference. Papers in PDF format should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair system site https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gcm2019 Submissions must use Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) style. For regular and tool demonstration papers, simultaneous submission to other conferences with proceedings as well as submission of material that has already been published elsewhere is not allowed. The page limits include references. An optional appendix can be added if useful for the reviewing process. All submissions will be reviewed by the programme committee. Electronic proceedings will be available at the time of the workshop. Selected authors will be invited to contribute to post-proceedings to be published online by Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS, http://www.eptcs.org/). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Program Committee * Anthony Anjorin , University of Paderborn, Germany * Andrea Corradini , University of Pisa, Italy * Juan de Lara , Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain * Rachid Echahed (co-chair), CNRS and Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France * Maribel Fernández , King's College London, UK * Annegret Habel, University of Oldenburg, Germany * Hans-Joerg Kreowski, University of Bremen, Germany * Leen Lambers , University of Potsdam, Germany * Detlef Plump (co-chair), University of York, UK * Christopher M. Poskitt, Singapore Univ. of Technology and Design, Singapore * Leila Ribeiro , Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Organizers and contact * Rachid Echahed, CNRS and University Grenoble Alpes, France * Detlef Plump, University of York, UK You can contact GCM 2019 organizers via: gcm2019@easychair.org |