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SKY-Challenge 2015 : Call for Participation in SKY’2015 Challenge on “Quality in software product lines, requirements traceability and software repositories”


When Nov 12, 2015 - Nov 14, 2015
Where Lisbon, Portugal
Submission Deadline Oct 9, 2015
Notification Due Oct 25, 2015
Final Version Due Oct 27, 2015
Categories    software engineering   quality   requirements   software repositories

Call For Papers

***Apologies for cross postings***

The 6th International Workshop on Software Knowledge - SKY’2015 organized in conjunction with the 7th IC3K’ 2015 presents the first SKY Challenge, with three tracks!

The SKY challenge is proposed in three different tracks aiming at exploring new solutions for well-known problems in the software engineering domain: 1) the first track consists on analyzing quality in software product lines reusing the datasets available in the SPLOT repository to validate the accuracy of the proposed feature models. 2) The second track consists on providing solutions for recovering traceability links between requirements in a system and/or software development process. The solution should formally represent requirements and automatically build a traceability matrix between requirements in different scopes: stakeholder, system, functional and non-functional requirements and 3) the third track consists of analyzing existing software repositories to extract insights of the development processes. To do so, solutions should reuse the datasets and information available from different social coding platforms such as GitHub or Bitbucket to provide and discover the implicit knowledge generated in both the static social network and the stream of events.

* Official Call:

-Full call in PDF is available in:
-SKY 2015 official website:

* Prizes:

-The first place of each track will be invited to present the results in the workshop. The registration will be free and the paper will be published in the workshop proceedings.
-The second place of each track will be invited to present the results in the workshop and the paper will be published in the workshop proceeding.
-The third place of each track will be included in the publication of the paper in the workshop proceedings.

* Tasks:

-Track 1-Quality in software product lines

This track looks for solutions that can ensure quality in software product lines containing different features with the objective of boosting software reuse. To do so, a possible list of tasks would be:

1. Define a feature model to represent commonalities and variabilities in software product lines.
2. Implement the aforementioned model to support the quality assessment process in software product lines.
3. Design an experiment reusing the datasets available in the SPLOT repository to validate the accuracy of the proposed model.
4. Validate the approach with real data (if available).

Different data mining techniques and statistical methods may be used to adjust the proposed feature model to the existing datasets and to create a test campaign to validate the accuracy of the proposed approach.

-Track 2-Requirements traceability

This track looks for solutions to formally represent requirements and to automatically build a traceability matrix between requirements in different scopes: stakeholder, system, functional and non-functional requirements. To do so, a possible list of tasks would be:

1. Define a model to formally represent requirements.
2. Build sets of requirements at different scopes to be able to create traceability links among them. These sets of requirements can be automatically generated following some pattern or boilerplate.
3. Implement the aforementioned model to represent any requirement in a formal way and to automatically build a traceability matrix.
4. Design an experiment to validate the creation of traceability links between requirements.
5. Validate the approach with real data (if available).

Different data mining techniques, ontology-driven approaches, statistical methods may be used to ensure under a certain level of confidence that a link between two requirements is correct.

-Track 3-Software repositories

This track looks for solutions that can discover underlying knowledge in the social graph generated during the development process. Organizations, projects, users, commits, labels, releases, events and many other entities and events are continuously being generated during the development process. In order to provide new insights that can help to the creation of a team, to plan releases, etc. a possible list of tasks would be:

1. Define a model to study the relationships between the different entities and events in social coding platform (public or private).
2. Implement the aforementioned model to support decision making processes during the software development process.
3. Design an experiment reusing the datasets and information available from different social coding platforms to validate the accuracy and goodness of the proposed model.
4. Validate the approach with real data (if available).

Different data mining, information fusion, sentiment analysis and social network analysis techniques may be used to discover new knowledge and to support decision making processes during the development lifecycle.

* Submission procedure:

Instructions for preparing the manuscript (in Word or Latex formats) are available at: ic3k Paper Templates. Please also check the Guidelines and Templates. The 2nd line of the Paper Title should be clearly marked as “SKY 2015 Challenge”.

The length of submissions will be between 4-8 pages and it is also recommended to make the resources of the submission (source code, datasets, figures, data, etc.) publicly available through a social coding network such as GitHub or Figshare.

Papers should be submitted electronically via the web-based submission system at:

* Timeline:

-Paper submission including challenge results: October 9, 2015
-Authors Notification of results: October 25, 2015
-Event: November 12, 2015:

* Evaluation:

Submissions will be evaluated for a panel of experts (5) according to the next criteria:
Criteria Max
Problem motivation 10
Theoretical modeling 15
Technical approach 25
Research method and results 40
Conclusions 10

* Organizers:

-Dr. Anabel Fraga (
-Dr. Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez (

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