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CHI 2015 : CHI: Human Factors in Computing Systems


Conference Series : Human Factors in Computing Systems
When Apr 18, 2015 - Apr 23, 2015
Where Seoul, Korea
Submission Deadline Sep 22, 2014

Call For Papers

**While the deadline for papers was due in September, the deadline for the following is in January 2015: Works-in-Progress, Panels, Student Design Competition, Student Game Competition, Student Research Competition, Video Showcase, SIG Meetings, alt.chi**

= Call for Participation

CHI 2015 uses the following selection processes, each with a different levels of review, feedback, and opportunities for republication. Please review the selection process for your submission category to ensure it matches your expectations.
Refereed: Papers and Notes
Juried: Works-in-Progress, Case Studies, alt.chi, Student Game, Design and Research Competitions
Curated: Workshops, Panels, SIG meetings, Interactivity, Videos, Courses, Doctoral Consortium
Templates are available for the different submission formats. All submissions are made through the PCS online system.

= The deadlines for submitting to CHI 2015 are as follows:

22 September 2014 (Monday) - Papers & Notes
6 October 2015 (Monday) - Case Studies, Workshops, Courses, Doctoral Consortium, Interactivity
5 January 2015 (Monday) - Works-in-Progress, Panels, Student Design Competition, Student Game Competition, Student Research Competition, Video Showcase, SIG Meetings, alt.chi

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