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Nordic 2020 : Genomic Medicine 2020 Nordic Conference


When Nov 4, 2020 - Nov 5, 2020
Where South Denmark University, Odense, DK
Submission Deadline Sep 30, 2020
Categories    genomics   biotechnology   bioinformatics   genetics

Call For Papers

Genomic Medicine Nordic Conference is an annual event organized by Biotexcel in partnership with Odense University Hospital and the Kennedy Centre at Rigshospitalet. This year, the Nordic conference will take place in Odense and, as always, it will focus on high throughput genomic technologies with a special focus on Next Generation Sequencing in the research and clinical analysis of human disease. As our contingent of loyal and returning delegates will be aware, the scientific theme will cover advances in the following areas: Genomics, Next Generation Sequencing Applications and Workflows, Personalized Genomics, the Metagenomics link to health/disease, Non-invasive Prenatal testing (NIPT), Cancer and Rare Disease genetics as well as Data Analysis and Storage and many more emerging research applications as well as their translation into their clinic. As always, in addition to the scientific program, our conference will also organize specific networking events which will allow delegates to interact with each other and engage in scientific discussions.

Who should attend:
NGS users, researchers and students, bioinformaticians, NHS & Private Labs, Biotech Companies, CRO’s, Service Providers and everyone interested in NGS, bioinformatics, biomarkers, computational biology, data analysis, data interpretation, DNA sequencing, genetics, infectious and inherited diseases, NGS data storage, informatics, molecular and cell biology and molecular diagnostics.

Current speakers for the 2020 Nordic meeting include prof. Brage S. Andresen, prof. Niels Tommerup, prof. Trine Mogensen, prof. Helene Kääriäinen, prof. Estrid Høgdall, Anna Wedell, Klaus Brusgaard, Kasper Thorsen, Eran Elhaik, Lusine Nazaryan-Petersen, and other speakers are being added to the agenda as we receive confirmations.

Poster submission: We welcome academic poster presentation at our events. If you have some material to present, please send us an abstract by 30th September 2020. This will be reviewed by our scientific committee and if approved you will receive a 15% discount off the conference registration fee.

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