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BusinessClouds 2015 : The 2nd international workshop on new models, algorithms and simulation tools for cloud computing, cloud brokering, Internet shopping, and e-commerce trading | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.iait-conf.org/BusinessClouds_2015.php | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
The 2nd international workshop on new models, algorithms and simulation tools for cloud computing, cloud brokering, Internet shopping, and e-commerce trading
in conjunction with IAIT2015 The 7th International Conference on Advances in Information Technology http://www.iait-conf.org/ November 22 – 25, 2015 (one day between, to be announced) Bangkok, Thailand OBJECTIVES ---------- One can say that electronic commerce (e-commerce) is one of the fastest developing fields of computing science (based on operational research, combinatorial optimization). However, it is worth noticing that e-commerce is a giant hybrid built in additional areas such as logistics, economy and social sciences. E-commerce is an industry, which focuses on selling and buying products and services through web pages. Online shopping, fitting into a business-to-consumer (B2C) sub-category, is one of the key business activities offered over the Internet. It has become increasingly popular over the past decade. Cloud computing is, undoubtedly, one of the main existing computing paradigms nowadays. In the last years, it raised the interest of both academic and industrial worlds thanks to their interesting properties, such as elasticity, flexibility, or computational power, among many others. Cloud computing provides a stack composed of different kinds of services to users: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), dealing with resources as servers, storage, or networks; Platform as a Service (PaaS), which provide an operating system as well as a set of tools and services to the user; or Software as a Service (SaaS), that allows providers to grant customers with access to licensed software. The figure of cloud broker arises as an intermediary entity between cloud providers and users to help the latter ones in the process of choosing the most appropriate services among those offered by the different CSPs, according to their particular needs. There are different services that cloud brokers can provide, from simply finding the best deals among a set of clouds for the user requirements to defining the best possible design to deploy the user's application in the cloud. Additionally, the cloud broker can consider the QoS and SLA from the CSPs as parameters to compare with the results from the historical data or log analysis based on the on-running services of the cloud users, in order to ensure high QoS. One can notice many similarities between cloud brokering and Internet shopping issues motivated by the problem of buying multiple products from different e-commerce web sites. There are still many links to different e-commerce trading options were cloud computing, cloud brokering, e-commerce, Internet shopping, and some new others approaches come together. The BusinessClouds workshop provides vibrant opportunities for researchers and industry practitioners to share their research experience, original research results and practical development experiences on specific new challenges and emerging issues. Workshop will provide contributions to significant topics that are under interest of IAIT2015 Conference. Among others, we suppose strong contributions in such areas like: * Cloud/Grid Computing (Resource sharing/monitoring, Data storage, Replication, load balancing, Green cloud systems and networking, Mobile cloud system design, and others). * Modeling and Simulation in Cloud Applications (Combinatorial Optimization, Computational Finance, Computational Neuroscience, Computational Biology Computational Physics and Chemistry and others) * Applications for Cloud Brokering, Internet Shopping (Combinatorial Optimization, Exact algorithms, Heuristic approaches, Evolutionary algorithms, Swarm Intelligence, Optimization algorithms, and others.) Both theoretical papers and papers describing practical experiences are welcome. IMPORTANT DATES --------------- Paper submission deadline: August 10, 2015 Notification of acceptance: September 1, 2015 Camera ready manuscripts: September 15, 2015 Workshop Date: November 22-25, 2015 (One day between – to be announced) PAPER SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION -------------------------------- The submission follows the regulation of IAIT2015. The paper must be submitted through the IAIT2015 submission system (Easy chair). All accepted paper will be published under the same proceeding of the IAIT2015 in the Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier. Organizing Committee -------------------- Jacek Blazewicz - Poznan University of Technology, Poland Pascal Bouvry - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Jakub Marszalkowski - Poznan University of Technology, Poland Jedrzej Musial - Poznan University of Technology, Poland Program Committee ----------------- Gregoire Danoy - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Maciej Drozdowski - Poznan University of Technology, Poland Mateusz Guzek - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Graham Kendall - University of Nottingham, UK Samee U. Khan - North Dakota State University, USA Mikhail Y. Kovalyov - National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Belarus Jean-Marc Pierson - University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France Franciszek Seredynski - Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland Malgorzata Sterna - Poznan University of Technology, Poland Andrei Tchernykh - CICESE Research Center, Mexico Denis Trystram - ENSIMAG, France Lizhe Wang - Chinese Academies of Sciences, China Albert Y. Zomaya - University of Sydney, Australia |