The third International Workshop on Metamaterials-by-Design will be aimed at presenting a comprehensive overview of the latest advances and emerging trends in the theory, methods, and applications of the Material-by-Design paradigm, and it will highlight the current status and the envisaged fron ers in this research area. The topics of main interest will include, but will not be limited to, task-oriented materials and wave manipulation devices, reconfigurable and tunable metamaterials at microwave, THz, and optical frequencies, homogenization of metamaterials and eff ec ve medium models, three-dimensional metamaterials, planar metamaterials and meta-surfaces, ac ve metamaterials, quantum metamaterials, antenna applica ons of metamaterials, metamaterials for nanoelectronics and nanophotonics and metatronics, metamaterials for sensing, biological and biomedical applications of metamaterials, novel metamaterial concepts, experimental techniques and characterization of metamaterials, and their applica ons to current and future systems.
The Workshop will comprise Keynote Presenta ons from distinguished experts from international top institutions as well as peer-reviewed contributions. Additionally, round tables will be organized at the end of each day to stimulate the open discussion among the presenters and the attendees.