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Visible Learning World Conference 2016 : Improving Schools through Visible Learning: Research, Practice Impact


When Jan 25, 2016 - Jan 26, 2016
Where London
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2016
Notification Due Jul 31, 2016
Final Version Due Nov 30, 2016
Categories    education   learning

Call For Papers

The theme for the Visible Learning World Conference is: Improving Schools through Visible Learning Research, Practice and Impact Call for Papers

This is a general call for papers for the Visible Learning plus World Conference. Papers may be submitted in one of the following three categories: workshops, research paper sessions, and case studies. Presentations can either be 45 minutes or 90 minutes in length.

Each presentation should address the conference theme and at least one of the key strands of Visible Learning:
– Visible Learners
– Know thy impact
– Inspired and passionate teachers
– Feedback – The Visible Learning School

Presentation Formats
– Workshops
– Research Paper Sessions
– Case studies: Voices from the field
– Workshops

These interactive sessions encourage the exchange of information between session participants. Led by Visible Learning content experts, workshops will identify and discuss the most important messages from the Visible Learning research.

There will be three levels of workshops. These will be aimed at delegates who are:
– new to Visible Learning (beginner)
– beginning to engage in Visible Learning (intermediate)
– expert in Visible Learning practice (advanced)

Research Paper Sessions
This is a lecture presentation with a research or policy focus. Sessions should include:
– a description of the conceptual or theoretical perspective
– the research question(s) and design
– data collection techniques
– a summary of findings

The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions and comment at the end. Discussions can be facilitated to allow early feedback on the presenter’s research or begin to frame new research directions.

Case studies: (Voices from the Field)
These sessions are led by practitioners who have been actively using the Visible Learning research strands in their schools, organisations or schooling systems. These presentations may be given by groups from schools or individuals and will involve sharing the Visible Learning journey the presenter has undertaken thus far. In these sessions, participants will hear about examples, models, and pragmatic suggestions from the presenters.

Important Dates
– 30 June 2015: Call for papers final submission date to submit papers. Once your abstract has been received you will receive an email within 24 hours to confirm receipt
– 31 July 2015: All presenters will have received notification of acceptance or non-acceptance
– 30 November 2015: Final date for all conference presenters to register for the conference
– 30 November 2015: Final date to submit all session handouts and presentations in electronic format to Osiris Educational
Please check the conference website updated information on important dates and conference details. If requested, the hosts of the 3rd International Visible Learning Conference will provide a letter of invitation to present a paper which can be used for visa requirements and institutional information.

Conditions of submission Each submission must be sent via the official Conference Presentation Submission Form. Proposals for multiple sessions proposals must be submitted on separate forms. Each presenter may participate in a maximum of two presentations. Presenters who are participating in an accepted session will be offered a 50% discount on the conference registration fee.

Accepted sessions may be photographed and/or recorded at the conference.

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