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Call for SESSIONS 2016 : 14th Docomomo International Conference: Adaptive Re-use. The Modern Movement Towards the Future


When Sep 6, 2016 - Sep 6, 2016
Where Lisbon
Abstract Registration Due Feb 28, 2016
Submission Deadline Jun 28, 2015
Notification Due Jul 31, 2015
Final Version Due Mar 27, 2016
Categories    architecture   heritage   modern movement   reuse

Call For Papers

Every two years docomomo (the international committee for documentation and conservation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement) organizes an international conference, bringing together docomomo members and friends from its 70 national Working Parties, as an opportunity for in-depth exploration of an important theme or aspect of the Modern Movement.

DOCOMOMO International is pleased to invite you to take part in the 14th International DOCOMOMO Conference that will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, 6th-9th September 2016, under the theme Adaptive Re-use. The Modern Movement Towards the Future. DOCOMOMO International encourages the submission of session proposals, related to all the disciplines, in order to promote the discussion of Modern Movement architecture, design and planning. Submit your Session Proposal Form to, under one of the sub-themes:
1) Landscapes, 2) Cities, 3) Public Spaces, 4) Complexes, 5) Buildings, 6) Construction and Technology, 7) Interior Design and Furniture and 8) Theory.

(sub-themes info:!about/c248z)

Scientific Committee: Ana Tostões (docomomo International); Andrea Canziani (Italy); Carlos Guimarães (Portugal); Horacio Torrent (Chile); Jong Soung Kimm (Korea); José António Bandeirinha (Portugal); Kyle Normandin (USA); Louise Noelle (Mexico); Miles Glendinning (Scotland); Panayotis Tournikiotis (Greece); Timo Tuomi (Finland); Víctor Pérez Escolano (Spain); Yoshiyuki Yamana (Japan).


Structure for the session proposals

-Title of the session.
-A description of a coherent and focused Session topic, not exceeding 500 words. It must clarify the goals and the relevance of the Session, define a leading question, key issues, the scientific relevance of the session in the context of recent thinking or debate (i.e., why the topic is timely and important), and a list of potential themes that will particularly fit in with the goals of the session.
-Up to five keywords.
-To select one of the subthemes of the Conference in which your session fits in.
-Proposed session type:
- Regular paper session. A regular session normally consists of four 20 minute paper presentations, plus introduction, discussion and closing comments.
- In addition to regular paper sessions, alternative interactive session formats are encouraged (e.g. pecha kucha sessions, poster sessions, round-tables, etc.) Innovative session formats are welcome.
-Special requirements (e.g. equipment, room type).
-Personal details from the session organizer (name, professional affiliation, address, telephone, e-mail address, current Curriculum Vitae).

The Session Chairs are responsible for

-Selecting session abstracts on the basis of their quality and thematic relevance, in collaboration with the Scientific Committee.
-Reviewing the papers in order to assist the authors improve their contributions for the final upload, before 27 March 2016.
-Writing the key lecture of the session for the proceedings of the conference by 1 May 2016.
-Holding the key lecture of the session and chairing the session, through a short introduction on the main goal of the session, a short introduction on each paper, the management of the time schedule and the lead of the discussion.

Session proposals will be selected by the Scientific Committee on the basis of merit and the need to organize a well-balanced programme and according to the following criteria: relevance, novelty/innovation, scientific quality, structure and organization of the session.

Scholars can upload only one session proposal.

Chairs are expected to pursue their own institutional or other support to register, and for travel and accommodation. At present, docomomo cannot yet guarantee the possibility of helping with these expenses.

Where insufficient papers have been proposed, a Session may be cancelled by the Scientific Committee after the deadline for abstract submissions.


May - 28 June 2015: Call for sessions.

31 July 2015: Call for sessions’ notification of acceptance.

3 August - 18 October 2015: Call for papers.

14 December 2015: Call for papers’ notification of acceptance.

February 28, 2016: Full paper submission deadline (1st version); registration deadline for speakers and session chairs.

27 March 2016: Deadline for session chairs return papers with comments to speakers.

1 May 2016: Full paper submission deadline (final version).
6-9 September 2016: 14th International docomomo Conference

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