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DTIS 2019 : 1st International Workshop on Digital Transformation for Inclusive Society


When Sep 18, 2019 - Sep 20, 2019
Where Trondheim, Norway
Submission Deadline Mar 30, 2019
Notification Due Apr 30, 2019
Categories    digital transformation   inclusion   gender gap

Call For Papers

1st International Workshop on Digital Transformation for Inclusive Society (DTIS) 2019 will be held in conjunction with The 18th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society (I3E) in Trondheim, Norway.

In this workshop, we invite researchers and practitioners to discuss why and how digital transformation for a sustainable society in the 21st century should be shaped in order to improve inclusion of people who do not participate or participate less to digital transformation processes than mainstream user groups. These user groups include people with special needs (i.e. people with disabilities or people in risk of social or digital exclusion) but also, we want to emphasize on the role of women in science for an inclusive society.

We want to share best-practice experiences of successful initiatives, discuss empirical outcomes and novel designs to build up and strengthen the community of interest in inclusion and the impact of gender. Besides building an international community, the workshop aims to identify challenges and opportunities related to digital transformation to promote inclusion and reduce the gender gap, on presented research and experiences and related to the following questions:

How can we improve the inclusion of people with special needs by digital transformation (DT)? This is, how can we make DT so flexible and adaptable that people with special needs can participate and make use of it?

How can we arise the position of women in the process of shaping DT? Traditionally, software is designed by men to men. But female contributions, preferences and approaches should be included, shared and promoted as well.
Topics of interests for this workshop include but are not limited to:

- Emerging concepts and methodologies
- Educational approaches
- Entertainment Computing
- Social innovation
- Social media
- Assistive technologies
- Accessibility
- Persuasive technology for improved inclusion

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