The Distraught Symbiosis: Law and Economy. Call for Papers
Faculty of Law, University of Turku organises the 8th annual Legal Research Network Conference 10.-11.9.2015.
This year, the conference centres around the distraught symbiosis of law and the economy. Law keeps the economy going, economy conditions law, law contradicts economy. The interrelationship has, of course, been discussed for ages. However, in recent years new developments have emerged. New constitutionalists have e.g. argued that law codifies and entrenches a particular understanding of the economy and form of economic power. Other critics argue that the economy illicitly trumps legal rights, while some argue the exact opposite: that law as a normative project should be subjected to economic efficiency.
The organisers invite previously unpublished papers that chart the relationship between law and the economy. The papers may discuss how the economy constitutes the law's basic structures and normative agenda or vice versa, engage in criticism of the economic constitution, or seek to advance the theoretical understanding of the interrelationship between the two. In particular, the organisers encourage papers that seek to disrupt and question the intellectual foundations upon which the call is based.
Please submit a paper proposal (max. 500 words) to at the latest on 11th of May 2015. Please include “Conference paper proposal” in the subject line of your email. Also kindly attach a brief description of yourself (up to 200 words), which will be included in the conference materials. Confirmation of the acceptance of the abstract and participation in the conference will be sent out on 1st of June 2015. The deadline for the working paper (max. 10 000 words) is the 17th of August 2015 to accommodate distribution to participants prior to the conference. More information available a t