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CHItaly 2015 : ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter International Conference on Computer-Human InteractionConference Series : ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction | |||||||||||||
Link: http://www.sapienzaapps.it/chitaly2015/ | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
*CHItaly 2015 – In cooperation with ACM SIGCHI*
*Submission deadline extended to June 12th, 2015* CHItaly 2015 proceedings will be published in ACM Digital Library within International Conference Proceedings Series. The authors of the best papers will be invited to submit a revised and extended version of their work for a *special issue* to be published by the *Springer Journal Multimedia Tools and Applications *(I.F. 1.058) with title “Multimedia for Advanced Human-Computer Interaction”. =============== Call for Papers =============== The 11th Edition of CHItaly, the biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, will be held from 28th to 30th of September 2015 in Rome. Italian CHI community is very active and smart, and this is its traditional meeting event. However, nowadays sharing and dissemination are a must. We would like this venue to represent once more also an occasion to exchange ideas and experiences with European and overseas researchers and practitioners. Even for this reason the official language of the conference has always been English. The theme of the 2015 edition will be “Public, private and community-based interaction”, which aims at encompassing the different souls underlying the new trends in HCI, from interaction with public large displays to interaction with mobile devices, to crowdsourcing/community-based kinds of interaction. However, the conference will warmly welcome every innovative contribution regarding advanced interaction paradigms and models, new ways of interpreting human-computer interaction and new “natural”, “transparent”, “ubiquitous” and most of all “inclusive” interfaces. For this reason CHItaly2015 plans to offer different sessions/tracks to address many types of interests. They will include full and short research papers, posters, industry presentations, panels, workshops, tutorials, and a doctoral consortium. As well achieved by the preceding editions, the aim is to be inclusive and foster development of innovative work in HCI. Topics include but are not limited to: • Public/large displays • Mobility / Mobile Accessibility / Mobile Devices • Crowdsourcing as a new frontier in social/community-based interaction • Social computing • ICT in Social Development • Interaction Design for Developing Regions • Ubiquitous and pervasive computing • Design and creation of innovative interfaces • Multi-Modal Interfaces • Affective HCI, Emotion, Motivational Aspects • Accessibility and design of Inclusive interaction models and interfaces • Intelligent interfaces • Smart environments • Augmented Reality and Tangible User Interfaces • Evaluation Methods / Usability Evaluation • Model-Based Design of Interactive Systems • Human factors and user modelling • Cognitive Systems • Brain Computer Interface (BCI) • Human Computer Confluence (HCC) • Symbiotic Interaction • Cross cultural aspects of HCI • User Experience design • End-User Development and Adaptation • Visualization techniques • User Interfaces for Safety Critical Systems • HCI for e-learning • HCI in industrial applications • Technology in Healthcare We are glad to anticipate that we will have two very smart international invited speakers, Keith Cheverst and Kristina Höök, both involved in the ACM Distinguished Speakers Program. Therefore, save the date and participate! ================ Important dates: ================ May 15: Workshops proposal *Jun 12 (new extension):* Submission deadline for long and short papers research track *Jun 12 (new extension): *Submission deadline for Doctoral Consortium Jul 13: Review notification for long and short papers research track and for Doctoral Consortium Jul 13: Early registration opens Jul 15: Submission deadline for Demos and Posters Jul 23: Submission deadline for Camera Ready of long and short papers Jul 30: Review notification for Demos and Posters Jul 31: Early Registration closes Sep 28: Workshops, Tutorials and Doctoral Consortium Sep 29-30: Main conference All paper submissions must be in English. Long papers must not exceed eight (8) pages in length, and short papers must not exceed four (4) pages in length. Both long and short papers should be formatted using the ACM SIGCHI format. As for the first submission, authors can use templates that can be found at: https://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates Please notice that ACM has published new templates for Conference proceedings that MUST be used for the Camera Ready version of the papers and can be found at: http://www.acm.org/publications/article-templates/proceedings-template.html/ Authors will also need to submit both source files and PDFs of the camera ready version for ACM to process. Papers must be submitted online on EasyChair. The submission Web site for CHItaly 2015 is https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=chitaly2015. As for workshops and Doctoral Consortium submission details are available on the corresponding pages. For any further information, please refer to the conference web site: www.sapienzaapps.it/chitaly2015 |