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OCPNBS 2013 : Special Session (@PDP) & Issue (@Springer) on On-Chip Parallel and Network-Based Systems


When Feb 27, 2013 - Mar 1, 2013
Where Belfast, Northern Ireland
Submission Deadline Aug 27, 2012
Notification Due Oct 15, 2012
Final Version Due Nov 5, 2012
Categories    network-on-chip   parallel computing   computer architecture   multicore manycore

Call For Papers


On-chip parallel and network-based system design to achieve functionality with low energy-speed product requires larger device count SoC design, multi block function design methodology, architectures and energy evaluation schemes. Such systems, which are emerging as the architecture of choice for future high performance processors, require high performance interconnects which are necessary to satisfy the data supply needs of all cores. This session is dedicated to research on on-chip communication technology, architecture, design methods and applications, bringing together scientists and engineers working on on-chip innovations from related research communities, including parallel computer architecture, networking, and embedded systems. Original papers describing new and previously unpublished results are solicited on all aspects of on-chip parallel and networked system technology. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

On-chip network architecture (topology, routing, arbitration, ...)
Network design for 3D stacked logic and memory
Processor allocation and scheduling in CMPs
Mapping of applications onto NoCs
NoC reliability issues
OS and compiler support for NoCs
Performance and power issues in NoCs
Metrics, benchmarks, and trace analysis for NoCs
Multi/many-core workload characterization & evaluation
Modeling and simulation of on-chip parallel and networked systems
Synthesis, verification, debug & test of SoCs
NoC support for memory and cache access
SoC and NoC design methodologies and tools
Network support for SoC quality of service
On-chip systems for FPGAs and structured ASICs
NoC support for CMP/MPSoCs
Floorplan-aware NoC architecture optimization
Application-specific NoC design
Networked SoC case studies
On-chip parallel programming models and tools
Reconfigurable SoCs & NoCs
Memory system design and optimizations for SoCs
Early reports on system prototypes details
SIMD parallel VLSI computing
I/O interconnects and support for SoCs
and other related topics

Proceeding and Special Issue
The accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings together with the proceedings of PDP 2013.

Selected high-quality papers from the session will be considered to appear in a special issue of Springer's Computing journal.


H. Sarbazi-Azad (Sharif University of Technology)
N. Bagherzadeh (University of California, Irvine)
M. Daneshtalab (University of Turku)

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