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E-LIP 2015 : International Workshop on E-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies


When May 25, 2015 - May 26, 2015
Where Tetuan Morocco
Submission Deadline Mar 29, 2015
Notification Due May 3, 2015
Final Version Due May 10, 2015
Categories    e-learning    educational   engineering   u-learning

Call For Papers

International Workshop on E-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies (E-LIP'15)

In Conjunction with the International Conference on Big Data, Cloud and Applications (BDCA’15).

The International Workshop on E-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies(E-LIP’15) will be held at National School of Applied Sciences (ENSA), Tetuan, Morocco on May 25th and 26th 2015.

The importance of knowledge and its continuous updating throughout life requires new forms of learning. Today, new information technologies and communication have invaded us, more than ever necessary in all areas, namely in the field of education. These technologies open new ways of access to knowledge. This workshop serves as a multi-disciplinary forum to exchange information on education, research, development, and applications of all topics related to e-Learning and Innovative pedagogies. You are invited to submit your works to this special track.


Paper topics include, but are not limited to:

- Mobile (or nomadic applications for) Learning
- Educational Serious Games
- Educational Methods and Learning Mechanisms in Engineering Education
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Infrastructure and Technologies for Engineering Education
- Innovative Materials, Teaching and Learning Experiences in Engineering Education
- e-Laboratory
- Interdisciplinary Teaching Approaches
- Collaborative learning and social networks
- Massive Open Online Course(MOOC) and Small Private Online Course (SPOC)
- Virtual Learning Environments
- Curriculum Design
- Learning Management Systems
- Intelligent Tutoring Systems
- Adaptive learning


E-LIP'15 welcomes papers on theory with experimental evaluation, case studies and comparisons with existing experimental research and tools.

Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding. Furthermore, authors of high quality papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for potential publication in a special issue/section of an international journal.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: March 29, 2015
Acceptance notification: May 3, 2015
Conference: May 25-26, 2015

Jaber EL BOUHDIDI, ENSA, UAE, Tetuan , Morocco
Amel NEJJARI, ENSA, UAE, Tetuan , Morocco

Program Committee

Anouar ABTOY, ENSA, Tetuan, Morocco
Abdellah AZMANI, FST, Tangier, Morocco
Samir BENNANI, EMI, UM V, Rabat, Morocco
Jaber EL BOUHDIDI, ENSA, Tetuan, Morocco
Mohamed BOUHORMA, FST Tangier, Morocco
Mohamed CHRAYAH, ENSA, Tetuan, Morocco
Bernard DOUSSET, UPS, Toulouse, France
Chaker EL AMRANI, FST Tangier, Morocco
Mohamed EL HADDAD, ENSA Tangier, Morocco
Anass EL HADDADI, ENSA El Hoceima, Morocco
Kamal Eddine EL KADIRI, ENSA, Tetuan, Morocco
Mokhtar EN-NAIMI, FST, Tangier, Morocco
Abdelhadi FENNAN ,FST Tangier, Morocco
Mohamed GHAILANI, FST, Tanger, Morocco
Mohamed KHALDI, ENS Tetuan, Morocco
Amel NEJJARI, ENSA, Tetuan, Morocco
Soufiane ROUISSI, BORDEAUX Montaigne University, France
Sahbi SIDHOM, Lorraine University, Nancy, France
Noura AKNIN, FS Tetuan, Morocco

Further information:

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