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TTCS 2020 : Topics in Theoretical Computer Science


When Jul 1, 2020 - Jul 3, 2020
Where IPM - Iran
Submission Deadline Feb 16, 2020
Notification Due Apr 12, 2020
Final Version Due May 12, 2020
Categories    computer sience   machine learning   formal methods   security

Call For Papers

The Third IFIP International Conference on
Topics in Theoretical Computer Science (TTCS 2020)

July 1-3, 2020
Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM)
Tehran, Iran

TTCS is a new bi-annual conference series, intending to serve as a forum for novel and high-quality research in all areas of Theoretical Computer Science. The conference is held in cooperation with the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science.

There will be a number of satellite events at TTCS, These will feature presentation of early research results, and position papers.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Track A: Algorithms and Complexity

algorithms and data structures,
algorithmic coding theory,
algorithmic graph theory and combinatorics,
approximation algorithms,
computational complexity,
computational geometry,
computational learning theory,
economics and algorithmic game theory,
fixed parameter algorithms,
machine learning
parallel and distributed algorithms,
quantum computing,
randomness in computing,
theoretical cryptography,

Track B: Logic, Semantics, and Programming Theory

algebra and co-algebra in computer science,
concurrency theory,
coordination languages,
formal verification and model-based testing,
logic in computer science,
methods, models of computation and reasoning for embedded, hybrid, and cyber-physical systems,
stochastic and probabilistic specification and reasoning,
theoretical aspects of other CS-related research areas, e.g., computational science, databases, information retrieval, and networking,
theory of programming languages, and
type theory and its application in program verification.


For the main conference, we solicit research papers in all areas of theoretical computer science.

All papers will undergo a rigorous review process and will be judged based on their originality, soundness, significance of the results, and relevance to the theme of the conference.

Papers should be written in English. Research papers should not exceed 15 pages in the LNCS style format. Multiple and/or concurrent submission to other scientific venues is not allowed and will result in rejection as well as notification to the other venue. Any case of plagiarism (including self-plagiarism from earlier publications) will result in rejection as well as notification to the the authors' institutions.

The proceedings of TTCS 2020 will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, in accordance with the contract between Springer Nature Switzerland AG and International Federation for Information Processing.

Papers should be submitted through our EasyChair submission website: . The web site is open for submissions.

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