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IWPVCS 2015 : International Workshop on Photovoltaic Cell & Systems


When May 7, 2015 - May 9, 2015
Where Saidia, Morocco
Submission Deadline Dec 31, 2014
Notification Due Feb 15, 2015
Final Version Due Mar 1, 2015
Categories    sustainable and green energy   photovoltaic systems   electrical engineering

Call For Papers

This workshop is a research meeting opened to all academic, researchers, professional and students, to discuss innovative ideas and diverse topics on Photovoltaic cell and System. Because the photovoltaic revolution is advanced as an outcome to all our problems of electrical energy production, the workshop concentrates its activities to the proposal and discussion to minimize the cost of the realization and electrical energy provided by photovoltaic cell and panels PV, optimize the photovoltaic system structures allowing to transfer the product energy to the load (Battery…), good control of charge/discharge lead acid batteries and solar tracking PV panels.

Papers accepted and presented in this Workshop will be published, with a preferential price, in the special issue: Optimization of Photovoltaic Cell and System for a Better Exploitation of the Solar Energy

International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy.

Scope and Topics

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

Realization, characterization and optimization of PV cells.
Conception, realization, optimization and characterization of the PV systems (autonomous, network connection,…).
Realization and optimization of PV equipments: converters DC/DC and DC-AC, MPPT command, regulator charge/discharge of batteries, systems of acquisition and supervision; sun tracking.
Storage of the photovoltaic energy: batteries, fuel cells.
Energy Management and Monitoring, Smart Grid.
Grid-connected photovoltaic power systems.


HyRES for Mediterranean Green Energy Buildings

(Prof. Nacer Kouider M’SIRDI, LSIS, AMU, Marseille, France)

Workshop Chairs

Khalil KASSMI, FSO, LETAS-CEEP– Oujda, Morocco
Rachid MALEK, ENSAO, LETAS-CEEP– Oujda, Morocco
Technical Program Committee

Elhoussain ABARKAN, FST, Fes, Morocco
Ali AHAITOUF, FST of Fes, USMBA, Morocco
Mounir AKSAS, University of Batna, Algeria
Jamil Al Asfar, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Farid Bagui, Engineering school CESI , Rouen, France
Mohamed BENZOHRA, IUT, Rouen, France
Oliver Boiron, Ecole centrale de Marseille, France
Ali BOUKABACHE, LAAS, Toulouse, France
Mohamed Boussak, Ecole centrale de Marseille, France
Driss BRIA, FSO, Oujda, Morocco
Rachid CHARROUR, R&D Boston Scientific, USA
Adnen CHERIF, University of Tunis Al manar, Tunisia
Ahmed DHOUIB, University of Tunis Al manar, Tunisia
Bernard Durand, Univ Paul Sabatier, CIRIMAT, Toulouse, France
Abdelali EL AROUDI, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain
Abdelhaquim EL MOUSSAOUI, ONEEP, Morocco
Yasser Gaber Dessouky, AASTMT, Alexandria, EGYPT
Antonio Gagliano, Université de Catania, Italiy
Kamal GHOUMID, ENSAO, Oujda, Morocco
Marco Giuseppe Tina, Université de Catania, Italy
Martin KAMTA, Université Ngaoundéré, Cameroun
Kamal KASSMI, EST, Oujda, Morocco
Farid KHABER, Université de Setif 1, Algeria
Yamina KHLIFI, ENSAO, Oujda, Morocco
Jacques Lobry, Polytechnic Faculty Mons, Belgium
Luis MARTINEZ-SALAMERO, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain
Nacer Kouider M’SIRDI, LSIS, AMU, Marseille, France
Abdellah MECHQRANE, FST, Fes, Morocco
Aziz Naamane, Polytech Marseille, France
Abdelkrim NOUGAOUI, FSO, Oujda, Morocco
Youssef OUADI, , Solvay Business School, ULB , Belguim
Lazhar RAHMANI, University Setif 1, Algeria
Mohammed RAHMOUN, ENSAO, Oujda, Morocco
Gérard. SARRABAYROUSE, Consultant, LAAS, Toulouse, France
Fernando Tadéo Rico, University of Valladolid, Uva, Spain
Hugo VALDERRAMA, Universitat Rovira i Virgili , Tarragona, Spain
François Vallée, Polytechnic faculty Mons, Belgium
Leo Vincent, Ecole Centrale De Lyon, RMEI, France

Prof. Khalil KASSMI,

FSO, Team : Electronic Components Photovoltaic Energies ECPE, Laboratory : LETAS

Mohamed Premier University, Oujda, Morocco;


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