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WristSense 2015 : Workshop on Sensing Systems and Applications Using Wrist Worn Smart Devices (co-located with IEEE PerCom)


When Mar 27, 2015 - Mar 27, 2015
Where Saint Louis Missouri USA
Submission Deadline Dec 8, 2014
Notification Due Jan 9, 2015
Final Version Due Jan 28, 2015
Categories    ubiquitous   pervasive   mobility   wireless sensor networks

Call For Papers

Recently there has been a growing interest in consumerization of wrist-worn devices especially smart watches and wrist bands. Many large corporations such as Samsung and Sony already have a commodity smart watch and many other companies are believed to be working on wrist-worn smart devices (e.g., recent Apple watch announcement). Smart-watches and bands are equipped with many sensors, (for example, latest Samsung Gear devices have heart rate, accelerometer, gyroscope, infrared sensors etc.) a processor, communication radios (for example, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi) and a small size display. It is, therefore, possible to capture information about the device user, perform computation and communication using these devices to infer various activities/contexts of the user. Further, they also represent a perfect platform to conduct research on human activity, behavior, and related areas, given the capabilities described above. Moreover, compared to smartphones, wrist-worn smart devices provide richer information about certain user activities (e.g., eating, typing, and sleeping). In most cases, a smart watch is also connected to a powerful smartphone, which could help in drawing many interesting inferences by combining data from both these devices.

We invite paper submissions in the following areas:
- Design, implementation, and evaluation of systems using wrist based smart devices.
- Design and implementation of pervasive applications for wrist-worn smart devices and/or smartphones.
- Description of experiences in data collection and deployments using wrist-worn devices and/or smartphones.
- Feedback, notifications, and alerts using wrist-worn smart devices.
- User behavior analysis on data collected from wrist device and/or smartphones.
- User activity and context recognition using wrist-worn smart devices.
- Achieving energy efficiency and extending battery life of wearable devices.
- Efficient communication between wearable devices and smartphones.
- Privacy aspects related to data collection from wearable wrist-worn devices.
Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers must be original contributions that are unpublished and are not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers should be no more than 6 pages in length and must adhere to IEEE PerCom workshop format (2 column, 10pt font), including references, figures and tables. Please refer to IEEE Computer Society 8.5" x 11" authors kit for formatting guidelines as well as IEEE Latex and Microsoft Word templates.

***Samsung Gear Best Paper Award***
The Samsung Gear award will be given to the best paper presented at the workshop to acknowledge and encourage excellence in research. The awardee will be presented with a certificate and a Samsung Gear at the workshop.

Important Dates
Workshop paper submissions: December 8, 2014 (11:59 PM ET).
Paper notification date: January 9, 2015.
Camera ready: January 28, 2015
Workshop date: March 27, 2015.

More details at:

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