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RDSM 2015 : 1st International Workshop on Rumors and Deception in Social Media: Detection, Tracking, and Visualization (#RDSM2015)


When May 19, 2015 - May 19, 2015
Where Florence, Italy
Submission Deadline Jan 24, 2015
Categories    natural language processing   social informatics   NLP   computational linguistics

Call For Papers

** Please forward to anyone who might be interested **
1st International Workshop on Rumors and Deception in Social Media
Detection, Tracking, and Visualization (#RDSM2015)

to be held on May 19, 2015, Florence, Italy
co-located with ACM WWW 2015

Important Dates:
** Submission Deadline: Jan 24, 2015 (23:59 Hawaii Standard Time)
** Notification of Acceptance: Feb 22, 2015
** Camera-Ready Versions Due: Mar 8, 2015
** Workshop date: May 19, 2015

Workshop Organizers:
Kalina Bontcheva (University of Sheffield, UK)
Maria Liakata (University of Warwick, UK)
Arno Scharl (MODUL University Vienna, Austria)
Rob Procter (University of Warwick, UK)

This workshop will focus on rumors and deception in social media, including but not limited to automatic detection, tracking, and visualization of deceptive content, as it spreads across media, languages, and social networks; and modelling trustworthiness of information sources.

The aim of this multi-disciplinary workshop is to bring together researchers from web science, social network analysis, social computing, information visualisation, natural language processing, and other scientific disciplines.

Research topics include, but are not limited to:

-- Detection of rumors, misinformation, disinformation, and other deceptive content
-- Propagation of rumors and deceptive content across social networks
-- Identifying false claims in user-generated content
-- Argumentation and rebuttal of false claims in social media
-- Qualitative studies of rumors and deception in social media
-- Annotation schemas and evaluation of rumor and misinformation detection methods
-- Making use of human-verification sites (e.g. FactCheck) in automatic methods
-- Using inference to distinguish between rumors and facts
-- Using Linked Open Data as a factual knowledge source
-- Spatio-temporal grounding of rumors and deceptive content
-- Modelling the trustworthiness of users and information sources
-- Visualization of rumor propagation and spheres of influence
-- Applications of rumor and deception detection methods to real-world problems (e.g. healthcare, digital journalism, emergency response, environmental communication)

The workshop also seeks position papers, evaluation datasets and frameworks, and case studies on industrial applications.

Submissions: We solicit full research papers (5-6 pages), and short
papers (1-4 pages) following the ACM conference paper style guidelines.
Papers should be submitted in EasyChair to:

Program Committee:
Wolfgang Aigner (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Omar Alonso (Microsoft, USA)
Martin Atzmueller (University of Kassel, Germany)
Tim Baldwin (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Axel Bruns (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
Pete Burnap (Cardiff University, UK)
Trevor Cohn (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Thierry Declerck (University of Saarland and DFKI, Germany)
Leon Derczynski (University of Sheffield, UK)
Nicholas Diakopoulos (University of Maryland, US)
George Gkotsis (Open University, UK)
Aditi Gupta (Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, India)
Bo Han (IBM Research, Australia)
Bernie Hogan (Oxford Internet Institute, UK)
Geert-Jan Houben (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
William Housley (Cardiff University, UK)
Marina Jirotka (Oxford University, UK)
David Laniado (Yahoo! Research, Spain)
Matteo Magnani (Uppsala Universitet, Sweden)
Nicolas Nicolov (Amazon, USA)
Leysia Palen (University of Colorado Boulder, USA)
Denis Parra (Catholic University of Chile, Chile)
Massimo Poesio (University of Essex, UK)
Allan Ritter (Ohio State University, US)
Damiano Spina (UNED, Spain)
Anna Koliakou (King’s College, UK)
Arun Sundararajan (New York University, USA)
Sara Rosenthal (Columbia University, USA)
Peter Tolmie (University of Warwick, UK)
Christoph Trattner (Know-Center, Austria)
Andreas Vlachos (University College London, UK)
Arkaitz Zubiaga (University of Warwick, UK)

Contributions will be included in the Companion volume of the ACM
WWW2015 conference, which will be published by ACM and included
in the ACM Digital Library.

However, to make that happen at least one author of the accepted
paper has to register. At the time of submission of the final
camera-ready copy, authors will have to indicate the already
registered person for that publication.

Any paper published by the ACM, IEEE, etc. which can be properly
cited constitutes research which must be considered in judging the
novelty of a WWW submission, whether the published paper was in a
conference, journal, or workshop. Therefore, any paper previously
published as part of a WWW workshop must be referenced and suitably
extended with new content to qualify as a new submission to the
Research Track at the WWW conference.

Submission guidelines:
All submitted papers must
* be written in English;
* contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses;
* be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings template
with a font size no smaller than 9pt;
* be in PDF (make sure that the PDF can be viewed on any
platform), and formatted for US Letter size;
* occupy no more than six pages, including the abstract,
references, and appendices.

It is the authors responsibility to ensure that their submissions
adhere strictly to the required format.
Submissions that do not comply with the above guidelines may be
rejected without review.

Workshop sponsorship:
The organisation of this workshop is partially supported by the PHEME European Commission funded project No. 611233 (

Please get in touch with the workshop organisers, if you would like to become a sponsor.

Kalina Bontcheva -
Maria Liakata -
Rob Procter -
Arno Scharl -

Follow us on:
Twitter #RDSM2015 and @PhemeEU

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