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COMPSTAT 2010 : 19th International Conference on Computational Statistics


When Aug 22, 2010 - Aug 27, 2010
Where Paris, France
Submission Deadline Jan 10, 2010
Notification Due Mar 1, 2010
Final Version Due Apr 1, 2010
Categories    statistics   statistical computing

Call For Papers

Keynote Lectures

Keynote speakers are requested to supply a paper of up to 16 pages for inclusion in the published COMPSTAT'2010 proceedings. A separate Abstract should be supplied as well.
60 minutes are usually available for presentation, including discussions.

Invited Lectures

Each COMPSTAT meeting is organized with a number of topics highlighted reflecting fields of major interest for statistical computing and novel, developing areas. The organizers of each session invite several key speakers. Papers from these speakers form a major part of the published proceedings volume.
Invited authors are requested to supply a paper of up to 10 pages for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings. A separate Abstract should be supplied as well.
30 minutes are usually available for presentation, including discussion.

Contributed Papers

COMPSTAT 2010 Symposium will include standard contributed paper sessions. These may relate to the invited paper sessions, but do not need to do so. Contributed papers should be up to 8 pages long. A separate Abstract should be supplied as well.
All accepted contributed papers will be included on the locally produced CD (same ISBN as the book of proceedings), subject to conference registration. A selection of best contributed papers by the SPC will be included in the book of proceedings.
20 minutes will be available for presentation of a contributed paper including open discussion. The authors are entitled to choose between oral and poster presentation.


Each participant presenting a poster will have available space of A0 size. To promote the success of posters, structured dedicated sessions will be organized where authors are expected to present their work shortly (2 slides and 4 minutes).

Single Abstract Submission

Authors in Contributed Sessions (Oral or Poster) who do not wish to submit a full paper for the Conference CD, may submit a Single Abstract. The deadline for Single Abstract submission is May 23th, 2010. Accepted Abstracts will be published in the Abstract Book, but not in the Conference Proceedings neither on the CD.
In case the total number of slots available for oral presentations is attained, Single Abstract submissions will be considered for poster presentations.
Selection of Contributed Papers/Abstracts

1. Submissions which are clearly inappropriate or of unacceptably poor quality for COMPSTAT will be rejected.
2. Submissions that do not respect the technical instructions will not be considered.

Restrictions and Exclusions

Authors of Contributed Submissions must commit themselves to attendance by paying their registration fees before the deadline, for committing their papers to the publications. Those who have not paid should not be included in the publications and the program.
The number of pages for the proceedings and electronic proceedings on CD is established as follows:

Keynote lectures up to 16 pages
Invited lectures up to 10 pages
Contributed sessions (oral or poster) up to 8 pages

All papers are refereed.

Styleguides (ABSTRACTS & PAPERS)

The use of LaTeX for the preparation of all written texts, i.e. both abstracts and papers is mandatory. For preparation of your abstract and/or paper in LaTeX please use the style files below. Please, read carefully the instructions, and do not use your personal macros. The length of the abstract including references may not exceed one page.

The authors should submit the paper, together with a separate abstract, no later than January 10th, 2010.

Single Abstracts may be submitted until May 23th, 2010.

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