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ISCMI 2016 : 3rd Intl. Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence | |||||||||||||
Link: http://www.iscmi.us/ | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% New Conference in 2017 @ Hong Kong: International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Metaheuristics & Swarm Intelligence http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/servlet/event.showcfp?eventid=55439 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Welcome to the 2016 3rd Intl. Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI 2016). The Conference will be held in Dubai, UAE during November 23-25, 2016. The main objective of ISCMI 2016 is to present the latest research and results of scientists related to Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence topics. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas face-to-face, to establish business or research relations as well as to find global partners for future collaborations. We hope that the conference results will lead to significant contributions to the knowledge in these up- to- date scientific fields. Publication All submissions will be peer reviewed, and all the accepted papers will be published in the ISCMI 2016 conference Proceedings, and reviewed by the IEEE Conference Publication Program for IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex. (ISCMI 2014 & ISCMI2015 have been included in the IEEE Xplore!) Papers of ISCMI2014 are indexed by Ei Compendex! Selected registered & presented papers with extension will be recommended to be published in Soft Computing (Springer), ISSN: 1432-7643 (print version), ISSN: 1433-7479 (electronic version), which is Indexed by Science Citation Index, Inspec, Compendex, DBLP, Computer Science Index, Current Abstracts, Current Contents, EBSCO host, IngentConnect, MetaPress, Springerlink, OCLC, SCOPUS, Ulrich´s, Zentralblatt Math. Submission Methods To publish the full paper into conference proceedings and give the oral presentations, please send us the full paper. To give presentation only, please just send us the abstract. Please log in the Electronic Submission System; ( .pdf only) to submit your full paper and abstract. For any inquiry about the conference, please feel free to contact us at: sub@iscmi.us. Important Dates Submission Deadline July 10th, 2016 Notification Date August 10th, 2016 Registration Deadline August 30th, 2016 Conference Dates November 23-25, 2016 Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: Advanced Intelligent Systems Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence Artificial Immune Systems Artificial Intelligence Artificial Life Associative Memory Automatic Annotation Bioinformatics and Biological Computing Case-Based and Temporal Reasoning Cognitive Science Computational Intelligence Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Computer Vision Systems Connectionism Data Fusion Data Mining and Data Fusion Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Decision Support Systems Distributed Artificial Intelligence DNA Computing Emotional Intelligence Evaluation and Refinement of Intelligent Systems Evolutionary Computation Evolutionary Optimization Evolutionary Strategies Feature Extraction Firefly Algorithm Fuzziness in Chaotic Systems Fuzziness in Multi-Agent Systems Fuzzy Aggregation Techniques Fuzzy Control Fuzzy Decision Making Fuzzy Inference Fuzzy Logic and Systems Fuzzy Mathematics Fuzzy Optimisation Fuzzy Reconfigurable Systems Fuzzy Systems and Hardware Genetic Algorithms Human-machine Interaction Intelligent Classification Intelligent Control Intelligent Distributed Sensor Networks Intelligent Hybrid Systems Intelligent Image Processing Intelligent Information Retrieval Intelligent Information Systems Intelligent Measurement Intelligent Signal Processing Intelligent Systems Intelligent Tutoring Systems Interval Computation Knowledge Discovery Knowledge Representation Learning and Memory Logical and Probabilistic Inference Machine Learning Mechatronics Modeling the Real World through Contexts Multi-Agent Systems Multimedia Mining Natural Language Processing Neural Networks Neuro-fuzzy Systems Ontology-based Intelligent Systems Particle Swarm Optimization Pattern Recognition Probabilistic Reasoning Reinforcement Learning Robotic Technologies Rough Sets Spatio-Temporal Reasoning Statistical and Structural Pattern Recognition Support Vector Machines Swarm Intelligence Syntactic and Semantic Processing Uncertain Reasoning Web Mining |