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SCSN 2017 : Fifth International Workshop on Semantic Computing for Social Networks and Organization Sciences: from user information to social knowledge


When Jan 30, 2016 - Feb 1, 2016
Where San Diego, CA, USA
Submission Deadline Dec 8, 2016
Notification Due Dec 18, 2016
Final Version Due Dec 30, 2016
Categories    semantic computing   social networks   organization sciences   microblogs

Call For Papers

Call For Papers

Fifth International Workshop on Semantic Computing for Social Networks and Organization Sciences: from user information to social knowledge (SCSN 2017)


Internet users have become providers of information through social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and so forth. On the other side organisations may benefit by integrating social network analysis, for instance, to understand employee innovative behaviour, as, for instance, integrating social networks and the leader member exchange perspectives. Still, networks models show how information sharing, models of social cohesion and mutual goals (i.e. values) make organization social capital. In this context Semantic Computing plays a chief role because of its potentiality to turn shapeless crowds information into social and digestible knowledge.
Furthermore, recent developments in processing, storing, and sharing huge amount of data become problematic due to the lack of new approaches, techniques, methods, algorithms and technologies oriented to social networks, including theoretical notions and insufficient awareness on security, retrieval, networking, behavioral and social issues.
The workshop, that will take place on Jan 30-Feb 1, 2017, in conjunction with the 11th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC2017), ( is a forum for researchers, industry practitioners and domain experts in the field of semantic computing, social networks, and social interactions and organisation sciences to exchange the latest advances in the state of the art and practice of semantic computing applications to the social network context.

Selected Papers

Extended versions of selected papers will be published on the International Journal of Knowledge Society Research (

Topics of interest

The topics of interest of the workshop include, but are not limited to:

- What kind of Semantics-driven indexing and retrieval for Social Media?
- User modeling or social profiling for business and/or non profit organizations?
- Semantics-based recommender systems for Social Media: is the dream coming true?
- Web adaptation methods and techniques
- Content on demand: customization or personalization?
- Semantic context modeling and extraction
- Semantic Models generation from social networks data
- Semantically-enabled data filtering
- Sentiment analysis in Social Networks
- Opinion mining in Social Networks
- Social Web Mining
- Semantics of Collective Intelligence
- Mobile social networking
- Distributed semantic computing for social network data analysis
- Collaborative filtering, mining and prediction
- Social computing applications and case studies
- Social Data
- Social Networking
- Data Science and Big Data
- Data Security
- Security Risk Analysis, Modelling, Evaluation and Management
- Social Media Analytics,
- Privacy
- Recent Theory, Trends, Technologies and Applications
- Future Directions and Challenges in Information Security System
- Effects of social relationships and knowledge on organisation innovative behaviour
- Emerging social values and their impact on organisation leaderships

Important Dates
Submission deadline: December 8, 2016 (EXTENDED DEADLINE)
Notification of acceptance: December 18, 2016
Camera-Ready Submission: December 30, 2016

Organizing Committee
Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USA
Ernesto D'Avanzo, University of Salerno, Italy
Giovanni Pilato, Italian National Research Council, Italy
Uraz Yavanoglu, Gazi University, Turkey

Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts must be written (6 pages maximum, all included) in English and follow the instructions in the Manuscript Formatting and Templates page given in ICSC 2017 website ( at the “Submission” section.

Papers must be original and not be submitted to or accepted by any other conference or journal.

Only electronic submission will be accepted. Technical paper authors MUST submit their manuscripts through EasyChair ( ), by following the instructions given on the SCSN website (

Manuscripts may only be submitted in PDF format.

Each paper will be peer-reviewed. Papers accepted by the workshop will be published in the conference proceedings published by IEEE Computer Society Press.

For any question regarding the workshop please contact the organizers at scsn-ws (at)

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