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2nd AEM 2015 : 2nd Conference on Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind


When Aug 24, 2015 - Aug 24, 2015
Where London
Abstract Registration Due May 30, 2015
Submission Deadline Mar 25, 2015
Notification Due May 15, 2015
Final Version Due Jun 8, 2015
Categories    HCI   emotions   anti-dualism   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

Pragmatist and embodied approaches to aesthetics consider aesthetics to be the study of everything that goes into the human capacity to make and experience the bodily pre-linguistic cognitive, emotional and sensory-perceptual conditions of meaning constitution having its origins in the organic activities of living creatures and in their organism-environment transactions.

The 2nd conference on “Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind” aims at highlighting the role of the interdependent relation between emotion and cognition in the bodily mediated pre-linguistic meaning constitution in aesthetic experience and perception. It aims at doing this from an anti-dualistic point of view.

The rejection of the mind-body dualism and of the representationalist approaches to human cognition has led to recast the theoretical tenets of the relation between cognition and emotion in the process of meaning generation. It has contributed to the development of a truly enactive approach to emotions. The enactive approach to emotions has emphasized that cognition and emotions are embodied and interdependent. Accordingly, bodily events are constitutive of appraisal, both structurally and phenomenologically. Arousal needs no appraisal to be interpreted by the subject, for cognitive and emotional processes are simultaneously constrained by the global form produced by their coupling in a process of circular causality. Therefore, the emotional interpretation of a lived situation is a global state of emotion-cognition coherence. It comprises an appraisal of a situation, an affective tone, and an action plan. Emotions such as fear, joy, happiness are bodily mediated cognitive-emotional evaluations of the bodily sense-making of an adaptation to environmental factors the organism interacts with in the environment and of their viability. They allow to subjectively feel the cognitive-emotional qualitative dimension of the degree of value of our interaction with different environmental factors through the aroused lived body.

The submission of contributions that highlight the interdependent relation between emotion and cognition and the global state of emotion-cognition coherence (appraisal of a situation, an affective tone, and an action plan) in bodily sense-making in aesthetic experience and in the perception of the environment is encouraged.

The conference welcomes contributions from the following disciplines:

Philosophy of mind

Philosophy of emotion

Literary studies

Artificial Intelligence


Developmental psychology


Psychology of aesthetics


Please send your abstract (max. 300 words) not later than 25th March 2015 to

You can send your abstract in English or in German.

Some references:

1.Brattico E, Pearce MT (2013) . The Neuroaesthetics of Music. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts vol. 7, (1) 48-61.

2.Colombetti, G., Thompson, E.: The Feeling Body: Towards an Enactive Approach to Emotion. In: Overton, W.F., Müller, U., Newman, J. (eds.) Developmental Perspectives on Embodiment and Consciousness, Erlbaum (2008)

3.Colombetti, G.: Enactive Appraisal. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 6, 527– 546 (2007)

4.Dewey, J.: "The Theory of Emotion. (I) Emotional Attitudes", Psychological Review 1, 553-569 (1894)

5.Dewey, J: "The Theory of Emotion. (2) The Significance of Emotions", Psychological Review 2, 13-32 (1895)

6.Johnson, M.: The Meaning of the Body: Aesthetics of Human Understanding. The Chicago University Press, Chicago (2007)

7.Niedenthal, P. & Dalle, N.: Le mariage de mon meilleur ami: emotional response. Categorization and naturally induced emotions. European Journal of Social Psychology 31, 737 - 742 (2001)

8.Ruby, P., and Decety, J.: How would you feel versus how do you think she would feel? A neuroimaging study of perspective taking with social emotions.” Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16:988–99 (2004)

9.Scarinzi, A.: Grounding Aesthetic Preference in the Bodily Conditions of Meaning Constitution: Towards an Enactive Approach. The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 43, 83– 103 (2012)

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