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MIAA 2009 : Multimodal Interfaces for Automotive Applications


When Feb 8, 2009 - Feb 11, 2009
Where Sanibel Island, Florida, USA
Submission Deadline Nov 27, 2008
Notification Due Dec 19, 2008
Final Version Due Jan 12, 2009
Categories    HCI

Call For Papers

Workshop on

** Multimodal Interfaces for Automotive Applications (MIAA) **

In conjunction with IUI 2009,
the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces

8th -- 11th of February 2009, Sanibel Island, Florida

organized by Christian M?ller (DFKI) and Gerald Friedland (ICSI)


Important dates:

Paper submissions Monday, November 27th 2008 11:59pm US PDT
Paper notification Monday, December 19th 2009
Paper camera-ready due Monday, January 12th 2009
IUI conference February 8th -- February 11th 2009

Multimodal interaction constitutes a key technology for intelligent user interfaces (IUI). The possibility to control devices and applications in a natural way enables an easier access to complex functionality as well as infotainment contents. This kind of interaction is particularly suited for use in automotive scenarios where additional restrictions with respect to input and output modalities have to be taken into account. In recent years, the complexity of on-board and accessory devices, infotainment services, and driver assistance systems in cars has experienced an enormous increase. This development emphasizes the need for new concepts for advanced human-machine interfaces that support the seamless, intuitive and efficient use of this large variety of devices and services.

This workshop is intended to gather novel, innovative interaction concepts for automotive applications with the aim to foster collaborations in the field and to establish a IUI-wide consciousness for the specific user interface requirements in the area of car- centered applications.

The topics include but are not restricted to:

* novel interfaces on any sort (e.g. see-trough displays)
* speech in the car
* tangible (haptic) interfaces, e.g. novel means of interaction with switches, knobs, levers, etc
* multi-party interaction: there's more people in the car than only the driver
* sensor networks (car2car, car2X) involving user interaction (i.e. information-seeking dialogs)
* access to services
* referring to the outside world
* beyond directions

MIAA Career Day:
Bachelor and Master students are especially encouraged to submit their theses or student research projects. A special concern of the MIAA workshop is to serve as a career day. A limited number of travel grants and reduced registration fees will be given to high-class students contributing to the workshop. Also, representatives of the automotive industry will be invited to the workshop. Opportunities for Master and PHD programs will be presented and connections to industrial employers will be arranged.

Mode of Presentations:
To emphasize the innovative character of the MIAA workshop, the mode of presentation will be different. There will be one session with brief oral presentations of the contributions. Afterwards, focus groups will be formed to discuss individual topics of interest. The topics will be selected and the participants will be assigned to focus groups by the organizers beforehand. The pre-selection of topics will be announced on this website. However, new topics can be proposed during the workshop and everyone is free to join the focus group that she or he is interested in. A designated part of workshop will be used to discuss career opportunities.

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