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ICLI 2020 : International Conference on Live Interfaces


When Mar 9, 2020 - Mar 11, 2020
Where Trondheim, Norway
Submission Deadline Nov 2, 2019
Notification Due Dec 13, 2019
Final Version Due Jan 9, 2020
Categories    performing arts   artificial intelligence   computer science   live interfaces

Call For Papers

# Fifth International Conference on Live Interfaces - Call for Submissions

## Call for Papers and Performances

ICLI is an interdisciplinary conference focusing on the role of interfaces in all artistic performance activities. We encourage critical and reflective approaches to key themes in the design and use of live interfaces. A wide range of theoretical and practice-based approaches are welcomed by people from all possible research, art and other practice backgrounds.

The fifth International Conference on Live Interfaces will take place at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, NTNU, 9-11 March 2020. This biennial conference will bring together people working with live interfaces in the performing arts, including music, the visual arts, theatre, dance, puppetry, robotics or games. The conference scope is highly interdisciplinary but with a focus on interface technologies of expression in the area of performance. Note that technologies here can be understood in the widest possible sense. Topics of liveness, immediacy, presence (and tele-presence), mediation, collaboration and timing or flow are engaged with and questioned in order to gain a deeper understanding of the role contemporary media technologies play in human expression.

The special theme of the 2020 conference is

### Artificial Intelligence. Artistic Intelligence. Automated Emotional Intelligence.

A.I. is relatively widespread and ubiquitous within interfaces for artistic expression. Within this domain we can also include various sorts of automation and algorithmic extensions, as this constitutes a form of external agency that allows us to do more – more than we could unassisted by these technologies. How does this affect the artistic expression? Is it merely a convenience and an affordance to allow us to interface to complex domains, and as such just extend our inherent abilities? Or, does it imply a deeper impact on how the art is made? We can assume that all interfaces affect what we can do in profound ways. The difference with A.I. and machine learning in general is that the internal workings of the algorithms to a larger extent is a black box. We understand to a lesser degree how the internals of neural networks actually work, and then, how do we understand what we do as artists with these interfaces?

## Further details of submission categories, dates etc. See:

## Collaboration with Meta.Morf

This ICLI collaborates with the Meta.Morf biennal for art and technology (, taking place in Trondheim from March 3 to May 5. The Meta.Morf opening week is 5-10 March, and ICLI will commence immediately after. This creates a special opportunity to spend some quality time in Trondheim, in the company of both the ICLI and the Meta.Morf crowd. ICLI attendees will get a discount on Meta.Morf tickets. The theme for Meta.Morf 2020 is “The digital wild” - bending and twisting our illusions about digital futures. Come stay a full week in Trondheim and get the best of both worlds.

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