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ICMC 2023 : First IEEE International Conference on Meta Computing


When Oct 12, 2023 - Oct 15, 2023
Where Qingdao, China
Submission Deadline TBD

Call For Papers

First IEEE International Conference on Meta Computing (ICMC)
October 12-15, 2023 Qingdao China

Over the past 60 years, computing paradigms have undergone significant developments, evolving from the original Client-Server model to newer ones such as Cloud Computing, IoT (Internet of Things), and Edge Computing. The development history of computing paradigms is also the development history of computing power, which is defined to be the amount of information that can be transmitted, processed, and stored by a system, as novel computing technologies have always been driven by the needs of new applications that demand stronger computing power. Nowadays, emerging applications such as Web 3.0, Metaverse, and Industrial Internet put forward demands on next-generation computing technologies that can consolidate the networking resources to provide the desired qualify of services, overcoming the increasingly serious computing power shortage problem.

Meta Computing was proposed to address the limitations faced by existing computing paradigms: 1) terminal-end IoT resources are not fully exploited; 2) there exist barriers to the integration of network-wide computing power; and 3) there is a lack of strong fault tolerance. It aims to utilize all available computing resources hooked on the Internet, provide efficient, fault-tolerant, and personalized services with strong security and privacy guarantee, and virtualize the whole Internet as a giant computer, that is, ``Network-as-a-Computer, NaaC'', or ``Meta Computer'' for short, for any task or any person at any time on-demand. Meta computing possesses the following three functional characteristics: supporting zero-trust environments, integrating all available cloud-edge-terminal computing resources, and configuring meta computers on-demand. To the emerging applications such as Web 3.0 and Metaverse , meta computing intends to turn the Internet into a distributed giant computing power pool to fulfill the ever-increasing needs on computing power; it also refers to the integrated technologies that can offer trust-worthy, fault-tolerant, and easy-to-use computing techniques.

IEEE International Conference on Meta Computing (ICMC) solicits original submissions that present innovative research and development outcomes in the field of meta computing. Topics of interests are covered by the following tracks:

Track 1: Meta Computing Architectures and Systems
 Meta computer architecture
 Computational resource virtualization
 Resource scheduling mechanism of meta computer
 Computation-storage-communication integration
 Decentralized storage system
 Verifiable and Heterogeneous computation
 Security and privacy of meta computing
Track 2: Cloud-Edge-Terminal Resource Consolidation and Intelligence in Meta Computing
 Resource management and scheduling
 Privacy protection
 Integration of edge computing with terminals
 Terminal computation
 Large-scale data processing and storage
 Data management and security
 Collaborative decision
 Network architecture and transmission
 Real-time computation
 Multimedia processing
Track 3: Blockchain, fault-tolerance, and Zero-trust Computing
 Blockchain architectures and systems
 Consensus and trust management
 Security and privacy for blockchain
 Fault-tolerant systems
 Trusted data space
 Data and blockchain integration
 Zero-trust computing architectures and systems
 Blockchain governance and regulatory
Track 4: Meta Computing for Web 3.0, DApp, Defi
 Decentralized web infrastructure
 Decentralized solutions for web identity and authentication
 Decentralized solutions for digital asset management and ownership
 Decentralized data storage and sharing
 Smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) in Web 3.0
 Interoperability and standardization in Web 3.0
 Privacy and security in Web 3.0
 Web 3.0 applications
Track 5: Meta Computing for Metaverse
 Network architecture and system design for metaverse
 Virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, extended reality
 Decentralized communications for metaverse
 Privacy and security for metaverse
 Interactions between cyber and physical spaces
 Trusted network architecture for metaverse
 Scalability and interoperability
 Metaverse applications
Track 6: Meta Computing for Industrial Internet and Internet-of-Things
 Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) architecture and design principles
 IIoT security and privacy
 Big data analytics for IIoT
 Edge and cloud computing for IIoT
 IIoT applications
 Intelligent control and automation in IIoT
 Industrial wireless networks and communication protocols
 Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS) 和 Industry 4.0

Important Dates:
Paper Submission: August 15, 2023
Notification: September 15, 2023
Camera-ready Submission: October 1, 2023

Proceedings of ICMC 2023:
Two options: IEEExplore or the Elsevier High-confidence Computing Journal. Both are EI-indexed, and authors have the freedom to select one.

Submission Guidelines
Submission page:

It is required that the manuscript follows the standard IEEE camera-ready format (double column, 10-pt font). The maximum length of ICNC paper without over-length charge is SIX (6) page. The authors are allowed to pay for up to TWO (2) additional pages at $100 per over length page. Submitted papers may not have been previously published in or under consideration for publication in another journal of conference.

General Chair:
Xiaohua Jia, City University of Hong Kong, China
Xiuzhen Cheng, Shandong University, China

Program Co-Chairs
Falko Dressler, TU Berlin, Germany
Mohsen Guizani, Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI),
United Arab Emirates
Willy Susilo, University of Wollongong, Australia

Publicity Co-Chairs:
Suparna De, University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom
Yan Huang, Kennesaw State University, USA
Minghui Xu, Shandong University, China

Proceeding Chair:
Wei Li, Georgia State University, USA

Publication Chair:
Zhipeng Cai, Georgia State University, USA

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