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MULTIPROG 2020 : The Thirteenth International Workshop on Programmability and Architectures for Heterogeneous Multicores


When Jan 20, 2020 - Jan 20, 2020
Where Bologna, Italy
Submission Deadline Nov 1, 2019
Notification Due Nov 27, 2019
Categories    computer architecture   programming models   runtime systems   heterogeneous computing

Call For Papers


The Thirteenth International Workshop on  Programmability and Architectures for Heterogeneous Multicores 


To be held in conjunction with: 

the 16th International Conference on 

High-Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC) 

Bologna, Italy, January 20, 2020

Workshop website: 

The ever-increasing number of cores and heterogeneity demanded by AI and
HPC applications has placed new burdens on the programming community.
Software needs to be parallelized and optimized for accelerators such as
GPUs in order to take advantage of the new breed of multi-/many-core
computers. As a result, progress in how to easily harness the computing
power of multi-core architectures is in great demand.

The thirteenth edition of the MULTIPROG workshop aims to bring together
researchers interested in programming models, runtimes, and computer
architecture. The workshop's emphasis is on heterogeneous architectures
and covers issues such as:

- How can future parallel programming models improve software
- How should compilers, runtimes and architectures support programming
models and emerging applications?

MULTIPROG is intended for quick publication of early results,
work-in-progress, etc., and is not intended to prevent later publication
of extended papers. Informal proceedings with accepted papers will be
made available at the workshop and online at the workshop’s web page 

Topics of interest

Papers are sought on topics including, but not limited to:

- Multi-core architectures
- Architectural support for compilers/programming models
- Processor (core) architecture and accelerators
- Memory system architecture
- Performance, power, temperature, and reliability issues
- Heterogeneous computing
- Architectures for heterogeneous systems
- Applications for heterogeneous computing
- Programming models for multi-core and heterogeneous architectures
- Language extensions
- Run-time systems
- Compiler optimizations and techniques
- Benchmarking of multi-/many-core and heterogeneous architectures
- Tools for discovering and understanding parallelism
- Tools for understanding performance and debugging
- Case studies and performance evaluation

Preliminary dates

- Submission deadline: November 1, 2019
- Notification to authors: November 27, 2019

Paper submission

- Regular research papers: Regular research papers should use LNCS
format (up  to 12 pages, not including references).
- Short position papers: Short position papers should use LNCS
format (4-6 pages, not including references). Papers in this
category should explicitly indicate "Position Paper" as part of the
title of their manuscript.

The authors of the accepted papers will be requested to provide the
final version of their paper LNCS format. Please use the templates

- LNCS Latex template:  
- LNCS Word template:

Submission link:

Program Committee

- Christos Kotselidis, University of Manchester
- Hans Vandierendonck, Queen’s University of Technology of Belfast
- Pedro Trancoso, Chalmers University of Technology
- Sasa Tomic, IBM Research
- Trevor Carlson, NU Singapore
- Vasilis Karakostas, NTUA
- Avi Mendelson, Technion
- Magnus Jahre, NTNU


- Miquel Pericàs Chalmers University of Technology
- Oscar Palomar Barcelona Supercomputing Center
- Vassilis Papaefstathiou FORTH-ICS

Related Resources

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