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BCMC 2014 : BiTS Communication and Media Conference


When Oct 31, 2014 - Oct 31, 2014
Where Iserlohn - Germany
Submission Deadline Sep 21, 2014
Categories    communication   media   social web

Call For Papers

BiTS Communication & Media Conference is a research conference with a large scope on communication theory and the practical application of the Social Web. Hosted by BiTS (University of Applied Sciences) in Iserlohn Germany, it directs both dedicated researchers as well as practitioning executives and managers from small and medium sized enterprises across industries.

In recent years, a trend can be observed in the way international companies make specific use of the new media. More and more companies cut their traditional marketing and communication budgets in favor of a digital word of mouth. The research conference intends to clarify, whether this trend leads to a paradigm shift and how internal and external corporate communication will develop in the future.

Through research studies and accordingly prepared case studies, the topic of Communication and the New Media is presented and discussed. Particulary backlit with regard to corporate communications and social media, impact on business organization, legal aspects etc.

Interdisciplinary audience

The conference is aimed at scholars, practitioners as well as dedicated young researchers (e.g. Ph.D. candidates) from various scientific disciplines.

Benefits of contributing

Make your research available to a broad and dedicated public and benefit from the opportunity to discuss your oppinion and results with peers.

Authors are invited to submit original research papers, case studies, reviews, work in progress reports, abstracts, students' papers or research proposals within the broad scope of the conference. All submitted paper will be double blind peer reviewed for consideration in the conference. Submitted papers should not have been previously published, nor be currently under consideration for publication.

Abstract length: ~1000 words
Deadline: September 21, 2014

The time limit is 20 minutes for each presentation. The conference room will be equipped with a laptop and a screen for PowerPoint presentations. Please bring your presentation on a memory stick or flash drive.


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