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EAI Transactions on SAS 2014 : EAI Transactions on Self-Adaptive Systems


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Oct 31, 2014
Categories    autonomic computing   self-adaptive systems   machine learning   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

This journal seeks contributions from leading experts from research and practice of self-adaptive systems that will provide the connection between theory and practice with the ultimate goal to bring both the science and industry closer to the so-called "autonomic culture” and successful realization of self-adaptive systems. Both theoretical and applied contributions related to the relevance and potential of engineering methods, approaches and tools for self-adaptive systems are particularly welcome. This applies to application areas and technologies such as:
•adaptable user interfaces;
•autonomic computing;
•dependable computing;
•embedded systems;
•genetic algorithms;
•knowledge representation and reasoning;
•machine learning;
•mobile ad-hoc networks;
•mobile and autonomous robots;
•multi-agent systems;
•peer-to-peer applications;
•sensor networks;
•service-oriented architectures;
•ubiquitous computing.

It also hold for many research fields, which have already investigated some aspects of self-adaptation from their own perspective, such as fault-tolerant computing, distributed systems, biologically inspired computing, distributed artificial intelligence, integrated management, robotics, knowledge-based systems, machine learning, control theory, etc.

The manuscripts should present original work in the scope of the journal and must be exclusively submitted to this journal, must not have been published before, and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Significantly extended and expanded versions of papers published in conference proceedings can be submitted, providing also a detailed description of the additions. Regular papers are limited to a maximum of 20 pages. Prepare and submit your manuscript by following the instructions provided at

Authors are not charged with any publication fees and their papers will be published online with Open Access ( Open Access is a publishing model where the electronic copy of the article is made freely available with permission for sharing and redistribution. Currently, all articles published in all journals in the EAI Endorsed Transactions series are Open Access under the terms of the Creative Commons with Attribution ( license and published in the European Union Digital Library (

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