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MTD 2016 : Eighth International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt


When Oct 4, 2016 - Oct 4, 2016
Where Raleigh, NC USA
Submission Deadline Jul 11, 2016
Notification Due Jul 29, 2016
Final Version Due Aug 12, 2016
Categories    software engineering   software architecture

Call For Papers

Eighth Workshop on Managing Technical Debt in conjunction with ICSME 2016

Technical Debt is a metaphor that software developers and managers increasingly use to communicate key trade-offs related to release and quality issues. The Managing Technical Debt workshop series has, since 2010, brought together practitioners and researchers to discuss and define issues related to technical debt and how they can be studied. Workshop participants reiterate the usefulness of the concept each year, share emerging practices used in software development organizations, and emphasize the need for more research and better means for sharing emerging practices and results.

Our goal of this eighth workshop on Managing Technical Debt is to bring together leading software maintenance researchers and practitioners for the purpose of exploring theoretical and practical techniques that quantify principal and interest.

Consensus from our community and our last workshop indicates a need to focus on quantification approaches, building on the progress made during the definitional stage. We are seeking papers that focus on methods to calculate technical debt principal and interest, and tools that facilitate these computations. The following topics are aligned with our theme:

- Techniques and tools for calculating technical debt principal and interest
- Visualizing technical debt
- Analyzing technical debt
- Measuring technical debt
- Relationship of technical debt to software evolution, maintenance and software aging
- Economic models for describing technical debt
- Technical debt and software life-cycle management
- Technical debt within the software ecosystem
- Technical debt in designs and architecture
- Technical debt in software models
- Concrete practices and tools used to measure and control technical debt

We invite submissions of papers in any areas related to the themes and goals of the workshop in the following categories:
1. research papers - describing innovative and significant original research in the field (up to 8 pages)
2. industrial papers - describing industrial experience, case studies, challenges, problems and solutions (up to 8 pages)
3. position and future trend papers - describing ongoing research, new results, and future trends (up to 4 pages)

Submissions should be original and unpublished work. Each submitted paper will undergo a rigorous review process by three members of the program committee. Submissions must be submitted online via the MTD 2016 EasyChair conference management system and conform to the IEEE CS Proceedings style guidelines.

Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and published with the ICSME proceedings.

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