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BMTL 2014 : Bringing Maths to Life


When Oct 27, 2014 - Oct 29, 2014
Where Naples, Italy
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2014
Notification Due Jul 15, 2014
Categories    computational biology   system biology   bioinformatics

Call For Papers

Bringing Maths to Life Workshop
27-29 October, 2014
Naples (Italy)

Analyzing and interpreting rich biological datasets require more expertise than just knowledge of the biological system at hand. Extracting reliable insights from complex bodies of data calls for suitable mathematical solutions.
This workshop lets biologists and mathematicians join forces to address key areas in biology that face demanding mathematical challenges. Discussing existing cases to identify gaps or to share existing solutions should help these disciplines in successfully linking up.
BMTL Workshop will be hosted in the ancient city of Naples, and will provide a timely and pertinent occasion for international researchers that wish to engage in cutting edge science at the interface of mathematics and biology.

Scientific Topics
◊ Spectra analysis: peak identification pattern recognition
Historically, attempts have been done to integrate mathematical and statistical techniques, such as principal component and linear discriminant analysis, to the mining of biological spectra. Nowadays, more advanced computational and statistical learning methodologies are being integrated, with a shift from single peak analysis to pattern recognition techniques.
◊ Genetic variability and differential expression: sequence data analysis
Recent revolution in DNA sequencing technology has made the sequencing of an increasing number of genomes both feasible and cost effective. Changes in data quantity and format (large numbers of short reads or pairs of short reads versus relatively long reads produced by traditional Sanger sequencing) imply changes of sequence data management, storage, and visualization, and provide a challenge for bioinformatics.
◊ Molecular Dynamics and Modelling of Protein Structure and Function via High Performance Computing Simulations
The high performance computing of current computer architectures, as well as developing of valid force fields for mathematical modelling of biochemical interactions, have provided new tools to help biologists studying and testing hypotheses to understand biochemical phenomena in a new perspective. This section will highlights the advantages and limitations of this powerful computational technique.
◊ Deciphering complex relationships: networks and interactions
Biological systems form huge networks that comprise numerous non linearly interacting dimensions, from which, in turn, biological functions emerge. The networks are far too complex to be understood by the unassisted human mind. To analyse these complex biological systems and obtain relevant answers, biology requires quantitative models that draw from modern computer science and mathematics.
◊ Zoom inside the cell: microscopy images processing
Biological visualization provides the means to place genomic and proteomic information in a cellular or tissue context. High throughput image analyses need powerful and flexible tools. Computer vision researchers are contributing new algorithms to be applied to practical biological problems.

Important dates
Early registration & abstract submission: June 30th, 2014

Abstract submission
Scientists are invited to send contributions in line with the topics of the conference. Abstracts should be in English and contain original research results; commercial and promotional material will not be accepted. At least one of the authors is expected to register to the conference. All abstracts will be peer reviewed by an international scientific board that will decide whether presenting them as a poster or an oral contribution.
Selected peer-review papers will be considered for publication in monographs and special issues of international journals.

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