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ACVI 2015 : Architecture Centric Virtual Integration | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.aadl.info/aadl/acvi/acvi2015 | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Second Workshop on Architecture Centric Virtual Integration at 20th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies Ada-Europe 2015 http://www.aadl.info/aadl/acvi/acvi2015/ ================================================================================ Important dates =============== * Paper Submission Deadline: April 19, 2015 * Paper Notification to Authors: May 01, 2015 * Workshop Date: June 26, 2015 New real-time systems have increasingly complex architectures because of the intricacy of the multiple interdependent features they have to manage. They must meet new requirements of reusability, interoperability, flexibility and portability. These new dimensions favor the use of an architecture description language that offers a global vision of the system, and which is particularly suitable for handling real-time characteristics. Due to the even more increased complexity of distributed, real-time and embedded systems (DRE), the need for a model-driven approach is more obvious in this domain than in monolithic RT systems. The purpose of this workshop is to provide an opportunity to gather researchers and industrial practitioners to survey existing efforts related to behavior modelling and model-based analysis of DRE systems. Topics ====== Cyber-Physical systems (CPS) combine many challenges to meet requirements for reusability, interoperability, flexibility or dependability. The use of architecture description language helps to integrate components before implementing the system. Such integration approach eases system design analysis and implementation, detects design errors and potential defects before development efforts, avoiding re-engineering costs and making the system more robust and safe. This first edition of this workshop seeks contributions from researchers and practitioners interested in architecture-centric methods and their use to design and analyze systems. The conference topics of interest are: * Modeling Notations: new languages, inter-operability between languages * Architecture Centric Analysis Tools * Virtual Integration Process and Tools * Definition of extensions for the design of specific systems (e.g. avionics) or support of a particular analysis (e.g. safety) * Automatic Code Generation from Models * Model Transformation * Model Analysis Methods * Support of Certification (e.g. DO178C) using Models * Industrial experiences of use of Model-Based technologies Paper submission ================ To contribute, please send a position paper or a technical paper via easychair at: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=acvi15 Workshop Proceedings ==================== Selected papers will be including in online proceedings published by CEUR on http://ceur-ws.org/ This will make sure your paper is accessible online. Committees =========== Program Steering Committee ========================== * Julien Delange * Peter Feiler Program Committee ================= * Matteo Bordin, Adacore, Paris, France * Etienne Borde, TELECOM ParisTech, Paris, France. * Agusti Canals. CS Communications, France * Jorgen Hansson, University of Skovde, Sweden * Jerome Hugues, ISAE, Toulouse, France. * Emilio Insfran, Politecnica Valencia University, Spain * Alexey Khoroshilov, ISPRAS * Bruce Lewis, US Army, USA * Stephane Rubini, Lab-STICC, France * Oleg Sokolsky, UPENN, USA * Steve Vestal, Adventium Labs, USA * Bechir Zalila, University of Sfax, Tunisia * Jean-Pierre Talpin, INRIA, France * Masumi Toyoshima, Denso Corposation Contact & Information ===================== * Website: http://www.aadl.info/aadl/avci/ * E-mail: acvi15@easychair.org |