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QA4SASO 2016 : Third Edition of the IEEE Workshop on Quality Assurance for Self-adaptive, Self-organising Systems


When Sep 12, 2016 - Sep 12, 2016
Where Augsburg, Germany
Submission Deadline Jul 4, 2016
Notification Due Jul 17, 2016
Final Version Due Jul 22, 2016
Categories    self-adaptive   software engineering   quality assurance   self-organizing

Call For Papers

Third Edition of the IEEE Workshop on Quality Assurance for Self-adaptive, Self-organising Systems
at the IEEE International Conferences on Foundations and Applications of Self-* Systems
QA4SASO 2016, Augsburg, Germany, September 12, 2016

Call for Papers
Developing self-adaptive, self-organising systems (SASO) that fulfil the requirements of different stakeholders is no simple matter.
Quality assurance is required at each phase of the entire development process, starting from requirements elicitation, system architecture
design, agent design, and finally in the implementation of the system. The quality of the artefacts from each development phase affects the
rest of the system, since all parts are closely related to each other. Furthermore, the shift of adaption decisions from design-time to
run-time – necessitated by the need of the systems to adapt to changing circumstances – makes it difficult, but even more essential, to
assure high quality standards in these kind of systems. Accordingly, the analysis and evaluation of these self-* systems has to take into
account the specific operational context to achieve high quality standards. The necessity to investigate this field has already been
recognized and addressed in different communities but there exists so far no platform to bring all these communities together. Therefore,
the workshop provides within its third edition an established open stage for discussions about the different aspects of quality assurance
for self-adaptive, self-organising systems. Examples for topics of interest are :

Modelling and verification
* formal models and modelling languages such as automata, state machines, process algebras, logics, HOL, Markov-chains, UML
* run-time verification and validation in self-adaptive, self-organising systems

Empirical evaluation
* measurement and evaluation of resilience, security, safety, performance, reliability, and cost in self-adaptive, self-organising systems
* benchmarking of self-adaptive, self-organising systems

Test-centred development
* test derivation, test selection, test coverage, test implementation and execution, test result analysis, test oracles, test management, and monitoring
* automated support of any of the testing activities, rigid testing processes, test driven development

Case studies, industrial applications, and experience reports

Important Dates
Paper submission: July 4, 2016
Acceptance notification: July 17, 2016
Camera-ready version: July 22, 2016
Workshop: September 12, 2016

More information can be found at

The workshop organisers solicit original research papers on the topics outlined in the description with a maximum length of 6 pages.
Submitted research papers must not have been previously published or submitted elsewhere.
Beyond, submissions of fast abstracts are welcome which are not exceeding 2 pages. We encourage the submission of fast abstracts presenting
important challenges to future research or position statements on the topics outlined in the description. Fast abstract may also sum-up and
present already published work to the workshop community.

At least two members of the program committee will review each submission in a single-blind process. The decision will be based on the
motivation of the topic, the clarity of the contribution, the relevance of the research to the domain of quality assurance for
self-adaptive, self-organising systems, its evaluation, and the thoroughness of the related work comparison.

The proceedings of the workshop will be published as a bundle within the FAS*W proceedings, presumably by IEEE Computer Society Press.

Paper Format
Maximum of 6 pages, formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society Press proceedings style guide

Workshop Organization
Benedikt Eberhardinger, University of Augsburg, Germany, Institute for Software & Systems Engineering.

Franz Wotawa, Technical University of Graz, Austria, Institute for Software Technology,

Hella Seebach, University of Augsburg, Germany, Institute for Software & Systems Engineering,

Program Committee
Jacob Beal (BBN Technologies and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA )
Radu Calinescu (University of York, UK)
Javier Cámara (Carnegie Mello University, USA)
Schahram Dustdar (Technical University Wien, AUT)
Elsy Kaddoum (University of Toulouse II-Le Mai , FR)
Cu D. Nguyen (University of Luxembourg, LUX)
Bernhard Peischl (Technical University of Graz, AUT)
Mauro Pezzè (University of Milano Bicocca and University of Lugano, IT/CH )
To be completed.

Related Resources

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