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Language in Mind 2014 : Studying language in mind: A multi-disciplinary approach to research methodology


When Jun 4, 2014 - Jun 4, 2014
Where Birmingham, UK
Submission Deadline May 7, 2014
Categories    psychology   psycholinguistics   methodology   linguistics

Call For Papers

“Studying language in mind: A multi-disciplinary approach to research methodology” will be held on 4 June 2014 at the University of Birmingham, UK.

Seven experienced researchers will share their research experience and views to answer the question of “what can certain methodologies as behavioural and observational approach, brain imaging, computational modelling, and research with patients tell us about bilingualism, (figurative) language processing, second language learning, action and meaning interaction among others”. More generally, the conference will cover the following topics:

1. challenges, strengths and opportunities of available and long-established methodological techniques in language research,
2. decision-making in research design, sampling, experimental paradigms, data collection instruments and data analysis methodology based on the nature and requirements of the research field, research questions and/or hypotheses,
3. promising methodological trends in language research and future directions.

Further information is available on the conference website



Postgraduate students are invited to present their work in the format of posters and reflect on methodological aspects of their research.

The poster session of the conference provides an opportunity for postgraduate students from different disciplines (i.e. linguistics, psychology, neuroscience) studying language in mind to present their completed studies or works-in-progress on the topics below. Students who would like to present a poster should send a summary by 25 April 2014. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 5 May 2014.

We invite submissions on all topics related to studying language in mind using different methodologies and/or reflection on these methodologies (participants are encouraged, but not limited, to reflect on methodological aspects of their research). Specific topics and methods include, but are not limited to, the following list:

Language acquisition
Language processing
Language production/comprehension
Second language acquisition
Sign language

Behavioural (i.e. eye tracking, reaction times)
Case studies of patient groups (i.e. aphasia)
Neurophysiological (i.e. fMRI, EEG, TMS)

-Abstract Submission-
Abstracts are submitted to the official e-mail address of the coference ( Please include ''Abstract Submission'' in the title of the e-mail and attach your abstract. A notification will be sent to you once submission is received. Please contact us if you haven't received confirmation within 5 days after submission.

-The abstract should-
be prepared in ''Word'' format (*.doc, *.docx) using the template on the website
be no longer than 300 words (excluding title and references)
be limited to text (i.e. no figures)

Only one presentation as a first author is allowed. The first author will have to register for the conference in order to be assured a place on the program.

Poster boards and push pins are provided. All posters will use portrait orientation. Maximum size is A1 (594 x 841 mm; 23.4 x 33.1 in). The conference language is English.

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