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IHCI 2014 : Intelligent Human Computer Interaction


Conference Series : Intelligent Human Computer Interaction
When Dec 8, 2014 - Dec 10, 2014
Where Evry (near Paris), France
Submission Deadline Jul 10, 2014
Notification Due Sep 10, 2014
Final Version Due Sep 30, 2014
Categories    HCI   intelligent systems   signal processing   computer vision

Call For Papers



6th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction
IHCI 2014
Evry, France, December 8-10, 2014


The international conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction (IHCI) is a forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results at the crossroads of human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, signal processing and computer vision. It brings together engineers and scientists from various application fields and from around the world. The IEEE approved 6th edition in the series, IHCI 2014, will be held in Evry (near Paris), France, on 8-10th December 2014.

Theoretical, practical and application-oriented contributions have been selected for presentation by an International Program Committee. Sessions will cover sound, speech and dialogue, eye gaze, vision-based interfaces, body-based interaction, user models and interface design. See the programme for details.

Keynote talks will be given by:
- Prof. Catherine Pelachaud (Telecom ParisTech & CNRS/LTCI) on "Interacting with socio-emotional agents",
- Prof. Anatole Lécuyer (INRIA/IRISA) on "Using Eyes, Hands, and Brain for 3D Interaction with Virtual Environments" and
- Prof. Gabriella Pasi (Milano Bicocca University) on "Exploiting users preferences and users actions in defining user models for personalised search".

French speaking researchers have an option to attend the "Visage, geste, action et comportement" CNRS meeting in Paris on 11th December (after IHCI 2014).

Registration is now open. Early bird reduced rates will apply until 14th October 2014. Starting 28th Novembre 2014, late registrants will not be accepted at the gala dinner.

Important dates:
Reduced rate registration is open until 14 October 2014.
Gala dinner available to late registrants until 27th Novembre 2014.
Venue: 8-10 December 2014 in Évry, France.
Optionally, French CNRS meeting in Paris on 11th December 2014.


Patrick HORAIN
IHCI 2014 Chair

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