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IJCVR: SICIR 2015 : International Journal of Computational Vision & Robotic: Special Issue on Computational Intelligence and Robotics


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Feb 15, 2015
Notification Due Apr 15, 2015
Final Version Due May 15, 2015
Categories    artificial intelligence   multimedia   computer science   image processing

Call For Papers

This special issue will provide a forum for researchers, industry professionals and academics to present new research advances in the general areas related to theoretical foundations of computational intelligence and their applications in various domains.

The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the the 21st International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2014) and the 4th INNS Symposia Series on Computational Intelligence in Information Systems (INNS-CIIS 2014). We also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in these events to submit articles for this call.

Subject Coverage: Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Advances in Computational Intelligence and Robotics: Artificial intelligence; Agent-based systems; Auditory Perception; Biped walking, locomotion and navigation; Collective intelligence; Cooperation and coordination of unmanned vehicle systems; Evolutionary Computing; Fuzzy Logic; Humanoid robotics; Human–Robot Interaction, tele-operation and telexistence; Machine learning; Machine vision; Multi-robot system; Nature-inspired Computing; Optimisation techniques; Pattern recognition; Probabilistic and evidential reasoning; Robot learning and mental development; Soft computing; Visual perception.

- Applications of Computational Intelligence in Information Systems: Bioinformatics; Biometrics; Brain-machine interfaces; Data analysis and Visualization; Data mining; Embodied robotics; Evolutionary neural systems; Self-aware systems; Sensor networks; Web analytics; Web interface and applications; Web intelligence.

- Applications of Computational Intelligence in Robotics: Aerial vehicles; Autonomous systems; Intelligent and Cognitive robotics; Kinematics and Planning; Language, communication and programming; Multi-robot systems; Mobile robot platforms; Sensor-fusion, and sensor-based control; Underwater robots.

- Applications of Computational Intelligence in Creative Industries: Artificial life; Computer graphics & Virtual reality; Creative computing; Games and Animations; Human computer interface; Multimedia computing; Generative art; Computer generated special effects; 2D & 3D animations; Music; Edutainment.

Notes for Prospective Authors
- Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B. Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written and if appropriate written permissions have been obtained from any copyright holders of the original paper).

- All papers are refereed through a peer review process.

- All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please read our Submitting articles page:

Important Dates
Submission deadline: 15 February, 2015

Acceptance/rejection notification: 15 April, 2015

Final paper due: 15 May, 2015

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