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CORCS 2008 : 1SST IEEE International Workshop on Component-Based Design of Resource-Constrained Systems


When Jul 28, 2008 - Aug 1, 2008
Where Turku, Finland
Submission Deadline Mar 1, 2008
Notification Due Apr 7, 2008
Categories    embedded systems   real-time   software

Call For Papers

Aims and Scope
The aim of this workshop is to discuss but also advance the state-of-the-art, research and development in the area of resource constrained systems, and to promote the study of both fundamental and practical aspects of component based design of such systems.
Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings of COMPSAC 2008, by the IEEE Computer Society Press.

Any submission whose content is relevant to the area of resource constrained system design will be considered, but submission whose subject matter is related to one of the following topics will be particularly welcome:

* models for software components and component interaction:
real-time, safety-critical, embedded, or mobile systems
* specification of extra-functional properties of components
* resource models
* formal techniques for verification and validation of
component software: model-checking, abstraction,
refinement, code synthesis, testing, monitoring, debugging,
model extraction
* compositional theories
* execution platform mechanisms
* scheduling and resource management
* componentization of legacy code
* impact analysis
* service oriented architectures
* certification of components and software architectures
* applications, experience reports and case studies in
component software
* system-on-chip (SoC)/networks-on-chip (NoC)/multiprocessor
system-on-chip (MPSoC) component-based design
* component-driven hardware-software co-design

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