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EMSOS 2014 : IEEE 2014 Second International Workshop on Engineering Mobile Service Oriented Systems (EMSOS 2014)


When Jun 27, 2014 - Jul 2, 2014
Where Alaska-USA
Submission Deadline Apr 15, 2014
Notification Due Apr 22, 2014
Final Version Due May 1, 2014
Categories    service oriented systems   mobile computing   software engineering   service oriented architecture

Call For Papers

IEEE 2014 Second International Workshop on Engineering Mobile Service Oriented Systems (EMSOS 2014)
Hilton Anchorage, Alaska, USA

One day between June 27 and July 2, 2014 (Co-located
with ICWS 2014, MS 2014, SCC 2014, CLOUD 2014).

Mobile systems are characterized with autonomous, dynamically adaptable, and heterogeneous components collaborating in open intra-organizational environments to provide solutions. Next generation phones, mobile networks, mobile cloud computing are a few examples of mobile applications where code, users and their devices continuously move. Evolving requirements, such as reliability, security, scalability, performance and privacy, from fixed to mobile settings, has revealed new and important challenges. This is due to the behavioural constraints that mobility poses, and that were not faced in traditional distributed settings. Examples include: dynamic network topology, changes in location, constrained resource availability, communication protocols heterogeneity, unstable connectivity, and so forth. The service-oriented paradigm is a promising approach for engineering open, dynamic and distributed systems. There are a plethora of research issues on how mobile systems can make use of service oriented engineering techniques.
The EMSOS Workshop aims to bring together researchers from academia and industry, as well as practitioners in the area of engineering services in mobile environments in order to provide a forum where recent research results can be presented and discussed. The aim is to understand open issues in the software engineering area of services applied in mobile environments, and to build a community of researchers and practitioners willing to collaborate on these issues.
The workshop seeks contributions that address theoretical foundations, important issues, recent developments, applications, methods, practical techniques, tools, empirical studies, experience, and lessons learned related to software engineering mobile service oriented systems.
List of Topics

Topics of interests to EMSOS 2014 include, but are not limited to:

* Mobile services in the cloud;
* Business Process Modelling and Requirements of services for mobility;
* Model-Driven Service Engineering for mobile systems;
* Software Product Line and mobility;
* Aspect-Oriented and Service Oriented Engineering for mobile environments;
* Service-Oriented Architectures and mobility
* Modelling, developing, deploying, configuring and maintaining mobile services,
* Semantics and Formal methods for mobile service oriented systems;
* Enterprise Service Buses and Middleware-induced service oriented architectures for mobile environments;
* Security, trust and privacy issues in service oriented systems for mobile environments;;
* Dependability issues in service-oriented mobile systems;
* Service Discovery and publication in mobile systems;
* Service Level Agreements for mobility;
* Composing and orchestrating services in mobile environments;
* Testing for mobility;
* Context-Aware and Autonomic Computing in Service Oriented mobile environments;
* Maintenance and evolution of mobile systems using service oriented engineering;
* Economics of developing and evolving mobile services;
* Tool Support;
* Empirical, experience and industrial studies;
* Applying Service Oriented Engineering in mobile domains such as wireless sensor networks, cloud computing, mobile telephony energy saving, climate change, healthcare, etc.

Important Dates

(Workshop chairs can grant extension to individuals under special circumstances provided that the hard deadline for the camera-ready version is respected.)

Full Paper Submission Due Date: March 29, 2014
Decision Notification (Electronic): April 12, 2014
Camera-Ready Copy Due Date & Pre-registration Due: May 1, 2014
Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit full papers (about 8 pages), short papers (about 4 pages), or position papers (2 pages) as per IEEE 8.5 x 11 manuscript guidelines (download Word templates or LaTeX templates ). The submitted papers can only be in the format of PDF or WORD. Please follow the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings Author Guidelines to prepare your papers, respectively. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend the workshop and present the paper. All papers must be submitted via the confhub submission system for the EMSOS workshop (TBD) .

First time users need to register with the system first (see these instructions for details). All the accepted papers by the workshops will be included in the Proceedings of the IEEE 10th World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2014) which will be published by IEEE Computer Society.

Workshop Chairs

Nour Ali, University of Brighton, UK,
Rami Bahsoon, University of Birmingham, UK
Ian Gorton, Software Engineering Institute, USA

Program Committee (CONFIRMED)
Carlos Cuesta, URJC, Spain
Schahram Dustdar, Vienna Uni. of Technology, Austria
Jose Luiz Fiadeiro, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK
Grace Lewis, Software Engineering Institute, USA
Sam Malek, George Mason University, USA
Henry Muccini, University of L’Aquila, Italy
Mirco Musolesi, University of Birmingham, UK
Bashar Nuseibeh, Lero/Open University, Ireland/UK
Roberto Silva Filho, University of California, USA
Carlos Solis, Amazon Web Services, Ireland
Emilio Tuosto, University of Leicester, UK
Ian Warren, University of Auckland, New Zealand

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