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Netsys 2015 : 2nd International Conference on Networked Systems


When Mar 9, 2015 - Mar 13, 2015
Where Cottbus (Germany)
Abstract Registration Due Aug 25, 2014
Submission Deadline Sep 1, 2014
Notification Due Nov 8, 2014
Final Version Due Dec 10, 2014
Categories    computer networks   distributed systems   communications   network applications

Call For Papers

The Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2015) provides an international forum for engineers and scientists in academia, industry, and government to discuss recent innovations in the realm of networked systems - including aspects of networking, distributed systems, communications, middleware, and applications. NetSys is a biennial conference that originates from the major scientific event on networked systems in German-speaking countries KiVS (Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen) - a series of conferences that was founded more than 30 years ago. In 2013 NetSys was first organized on international scale at Stuttgart. NetSys is organized by the special interest group "Communication and Distributed Systems" (KuVS) of the German Informatics Society (GI). The presented conference papers will be included into the IEEE Xplore® library.

NetSys solicits submission of high-quality, original scientific papers presenting novel research on the wide range of net¬worked systems, including but not limited to:

- Network architectures and protocols
- Transport- and application-layer protocols
- Emerging networked applications
- Peer-to-peer and overlay networks
- Software-defined networking
- Future Internet
- Data center networking
- SOA, Web services, and mobile services
- (Mobile) Cloud computing
- Virtualization in networked systems
- Social networks
- Internet of Things
- Cyber-physical systems, smart grid
- Cyber security and privacy
- Mobile, ad-hoc, opportunistic, vehicular and sensor networks
- Middleware architectures and platforms for networked systems
- Methods for design, implementation, and analysis of networked systems

Separate workshops, tutorials, demonstrator presentations, and a doctoral forum will complement the technical sessions.

Papers (≤ 8 pages, IEEE style) must be submitted via

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