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BPM and Case Management 2014 : The BPM and Case Management Global Summit


When Jun 16, 2014 - Jun 18, 2014
Where Washington, D.C.
Abstract Registration Due Feb 28, 2014
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2014
Notification Due Mar 20, 2014
Final Version Due May 30, 2014
Categories    case management   business process management (b   business analytics   information interoperability

Call For Papers

The overall theme of BPM and Case Management Global Summit is “Empowering Knowledge Workers” and focused on providing actionable advice and illustrating “the art of the possible” for adapting business processes and work practices to the dynamic and unpredictable nature of knowledge work. The program will features both top executives from the federal government and commercial enterprises, as well as industry analysts and leading subject matter experts.

The program will also feature cases studies selected from the “Global Excellence in Case Management Award” program, highlighting the best practices for leveraging social collaboration to create and adapt goal-oriented activities that enable informed decision-making using federated business data and content.

Submission requires completing a brief form (see link) with contact details and a 250-word abstract by Feb 28th. initial confirmation will be made by March 7th final commit is due March 20th. Completed papers will be published to (with submitter approval) and select papers will be considered for a forthcoming book. The evaluation panel will also consider both academic submissions and practitioner experience papers. Below are suggested topics to be covered at the event.

++ Investigative Case Management approaches and applications
++ Definition of Adaptive Case Management (ACM) as its own discipline (apart from BPM)
Data-centricity (state transitions and data interchange focus) of case management activities
++ Impact of case management modeling notation (CMMN) on practitioners and tool vendors
++ Case management in targeted vertical markets (notably Financial Services, Insurance, Health Care, as well as Federal, State and Muncipal Government)
++ Services integration in case management applications

++ Definition of business process management (BPM) as its own discipline (apart from ACM)
++ Impact of business process model and notation (BPMN) on practitioners and tool vendors
++ Process analysis and reengineering using simulation, mining, and monitoring key performance indicators
++ Business process as-is anti-patterns and to-be redesign patterns (best practices)
++ Distributed, end-to-end, and cross-organizational business processes
++ Cloud impact on BPM and executingbusiness processes in the cloud
++ Enabling data-driven business processes

++ Impact of “big data” and attendant issues on business analytics
++ Survey of technologies for performing process monitoring and other business analytics
++ Promise of semantic technologies for bridging big data divides across authoritative data sources
++ Process mining and its application in business analytics
++ Modeling and predictive analytics for enterprise computing
++ Collaboration enterprise analytic platforms
++ Business process intelligence (e.g., process performance management)
++ Continuous, online analytics for big data in the enterprise

++ Business rule languages and engines
++ Managing granularity of business rules from the line-of-business (LOB) to the enterprise
++ Rules interchange and interoperability across heterogeneous execution platforms
++ Modeling business rules and the relation between business rules and business processes
++ Business rules and service computing
++ Business rules and compliance management, business process compliance
++ Event-Driven Rules-based Business Processes for the Real-Time Enterprise

++ Role of process classification frameworks and other normative architectures
++ Demonstrating compliance and establishing provenance of submitted models
++ Service policies, contract definition and enforcement
++ Security/privacy policy definition and description languages
++ Policy interoperability

++ Making data interchange work across BPM and ACM a reality
++ Business object modeling methodologies and approaches
++ Taxonomies, ontologies and business knowledge integration
++ Master data management, data mining and (real-time) data warehousing
++ Flexible information models and systems (e.g., object-driven processes)
++ Data quality and trustworthiness
++ The role of NIEM and standard data descriptions to achieve interoperability
++ Evolution of SOA and API management to support mobile computing
++ A uniform resource identifier (URI) for everything the worker needs

++ Enterprise architecture frameworks vs. business architecture frameworks
++ Design and population of architecture models – state of the market and practices today
++ Relationship of architectures to BPM and ADM disciplines
++ Enterprise or business architecture analysis, assessment and prediction
++ Cloud computing and the evolution of architectures
++ Enterprise ontologies and common vocabularies

Related Resources

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